09.11.01 A Date of Our History We Need to Forever Remember
Do you remember what you were doing? Do you ‘celebrate’ this day? If so, how?
I was in a hospital bed after falling and injuring myself the day before. My brother was supposed to be in NY that morning in a meeting in one of the towers.
I watched the news break in and stay with that story that morning in my room. When they showed the one tower burning from a plane flying into it, then a second plane struck the second tower, I yelled. The nurses came running to me to check me. I told them I was fine, but I knew there were going to be a lot of deaths, and I knew this was an attack on America by some foreigners or country. Had to be.
I tried to call my brother, but no calls were going through on cell phones. I called his office to my sister-in-law and she told me he was late to the airport and had to catch a later flight, and was enroute to New York.
I spent over 26 years of my life in law enforcement and firefighting. I knew some of my brothers in arms, and fire service were going to be entering the twin towers to hunt for survivors, rescuing those who needed help.
Then the first tower came down, I screamed again. The nurses came again. They were also watching this unfold on the television before them. In a short time the second tower fell. We knew a lot of people had perished in those towers.
Then they reported another plane had struck the Pentagon. The news went split screen as we watched both New York and Washington DC in total disbelief that this was happening.
My immediate question was who would be crazy enough to actually declare war against us, on our own land? Was there a country in this world that actually thought they could come to the United States, kill over 3000 of us, and we just sit back on our laurels and do nothing? Was there a leader in this world that stupid?
Shortly later the news was reporting that a commercial airline had not responded to the “all land” order given and the Air Firce was sending fighter jets to its current location. I don’t recall the amount of people on the plane, but it was being reported that the order had been given to shoot the plane down if it refused to obey, or respond to the ‘land immediately’ order.
(Video of cockpit recording:
The aircraft crashed shortly afterward in a farmers field in Pennsylvania. Again, more souls lost.
Every year, on 09.11, I think back to that faithfully day, I say a prayer for all the souls that were lost, those never located, nor identified. I say a prayer for all their families, their children that were forced to grow up without a parent, or parents, without brothers, sisters, uncles or aunts. These children’s lives were changed, forever. The children which perished that day in the daycare of the twin towers . Their parents were working in the towers. If their parents perished, entire families were taken.
This was the worst attack on American soil in the history of this nation. This attack brought out a lot of vulnerabilities of this country. Things changed. Things tightened up. For a while. Then, slowly, things started going back to the same old routine. Getting lax, again. Getting back to the same old norm that was before 09.11.
What’s is it going to take for this nation to fully understand?
This is the same as what we recently went through with COVID. Over 1 million souls were lost, yet already, we are right back to the same normal, everyday, routine. The current gun violence that is plaguing our nation every day. How many hundreds have been lost, yet, it’s the same routine.
People keep saying “it’s okay. This is the United States of America. Nothings going to happen to us, here, in this country.”
I hate breaking the news to you folks, but it already has. And it’s getting worse as every minute clicks off the clock. We are having mass shootings in this country faster than we can count them. We are having a war with our prior administration and his followers on the streets, as well in political offices across this country and in Washington DC.
Not one single thing has been accomplished since the mid-term elections in the House of Representatives. Not one thing. Now, this country is facing a shutdown if the new budget isn’t approved. The House of Representatives and the Senate have until this coming Friday to pass a budget, or at least an extension, to keep this nation from defaulting on its loans. The Senate is prepared. The Senate has been debating this and has their budget proposal ready to go. The House of Representatives, Kevin McCarthy and his band of GQP folks telling him every step to take, every word to say, led by none other than Marjorie Taylor Greene, have nothing.
We have a Senator who, this very day, has crippled our fighting force’s severely. He has refused the protection motion of over 300 individuals in all the Armed Forces branches. He has refused to allow the prosecution motions of men, and women, into positions of authority, decision making positions. Positions like the Commander of the Marine Corps! The first time in over 150 years the Corps has been without a Commander!
I have rattled on long enough. Please, think of, and say a prayer for, those who were needlessly taken from us on this day!
God bless, and be with, all the family members of the souls lost this day in our history at the Twin Towers, the Pentagon, and the field in Pennsylvania. May everyone remember this day, forever, and honor all those lost that day as the heroes they truly are.
My brother-in-law was one of the lucky ones who made it out of the (North Tower) that tragic morning of September 11, 2001. The horrors he and his work team witnessed will haunt them forever. They evacuated immediately, left everything, upon feeling first impact, having endured the 1994 bombing. We lost many friends that day, people we grew up with who became cops, firefighters and financial professionals. We will never, never forget. Neither will we ever know the full story.
It’s the simple truth. I remember truth.