A Treasonous Traitor Has Been Identified!
This treasonous traitor began his acts back in the 70’s. He’s built his ‘cult’, ‘empire’, since then.
I am deeply, deeply, disturbed. I’m sorely pissed off. To be real frank with you, I’m MAD AS HELL!!!
I read a post earlier today, and in all honesty, I really had to calm down, a lot, before I took to typing this out. I had to do a lot of soul searching for the right words to say, so I wouldn’t upset any of my readers. That’s the last thing I want to do.
But, there’s no simple way to convey this information I’m about to give to you.
We have a Treasonous Traitor running on the Republican Party platform for the office of President of the United States! I’ll go one better than that. We had a Treasonous Traitor in the office of President of the United States! He was there from 2017 until January 20, 2021.
In full disclosure, there’s no way I can put into words what has been uncovered and reported, so I believe it’s best if I give it to you, as Thom Hartman has reported it.
The below was taken from The Hartman Report. Please read this closely. Hopefully, you will get as mad as I am.
Here’s the link to the full report. I give it to you once again at the bottom, because I sincerely am begging you to go read the full report. This is only a drop in the bucket to what Thom has in his report.
This crisis of economic inequality has, predictably, led working-class whites to look for villains and scapegoats, and today’s MAGA GOP is happy to supply them. They’ve ginned up moral panics around trans kids, bathrooms, abortion, American history in our schools, and even affirmative action in our military, all to direct attention away from their embrace of fascism and their ongoing theft of over $50 trillion — so far — from the American middle class.
Using racism, faux nationalism, misogyny, homophobia, and the corruption of both democracy and the rule of law, Republicans are cementing their power in state after state with extreme voter suppression, voter roll purges, gerrymandering, dismantling of checks-and-balances, and packing the courts.
So here we are, with a wannabee Mussolini in the form of Donald Trump and his well-armed MAGA followers and his quisling toadies in Congress.
And, perhaps most telling, he got there with more than a little help from his good friend Vladimir Putin, whose oligarchs repeatedly bailed him out when he went bankrupt six times in the 1990s.
During his 2016 campaign for the White House, Trump had inked a secret deal with Putin to earn hundreds of millions of dollars by putting a hotel with his name on it in Moscow, and kept it concealed from the American public throughout the campaign.
But that wasn’t Trump’s first tryst with Russian intelligence. He’s been gung-ho for turning the US into an authoritarian state that Putin (then a mere intelligence officer) would love for more than 30 years.
Czechoslovakia’s Státní bezpečnost (StB) first started paying attention to Trump back in 1977 — as documented by the German newspaper Bild when the StB’s files were declassified — because Trump married Czech model Ivana Zelnickova, his first wife, recently buried on his golf course in New Jersey.
Czechoslovakia at that time was part of the Warsaw Pact with the Soviet Union, and Ivana and her family had been raised as good communists. Now that a Czech citizen was married into a wealthy and prominent American family, the StB saw an opportunity and started tracking Trump virtually from his engagement.
As 2016 and 2018 investigations by The Guardian found:
“Ivana’s father, Miloš Zelníček, gave regular information to the local StB office about his daughter’s visits from the US and on his celebrity son-in-law’s career in New York. Zelníček was classified as a ‘conspiratorial’ informer. His relationship with the StB lasted until the end of the communist regime.”
In an investigative reporting breakthrough by Craig Unger for his book American Kompromat, Unger tracked down Uri Shvets, a former KGB spy who’d been posted to Washington DC for years using the cover of being a correspondent for the Soviet news agency TASS.
Shvets told the story — from his own personal knowledge — of how Trump and Ivana visited Moscow in 1987 and were essentially recruited or seduced by the KGB, a trip corroborated by Luke Harding in his book Collusion: Secret Meetings, Dirty Money, and How Russia Helped Donald Trump Win.
Their trip was coordinated by Intourist, the Soviet travel agency that was a front for the KGB, and the Trumps’ handlers regaled Donald and Ivana with Soviet talking points, presumably about things like the horrors of NATO and how America should stop defending democracy around the world.
The KGB’s psychological profile of Trump had determined he was vulnerable to flattery and not much of a deep thinker, so they told him repeatedly how brilliant he was and that he should run for president in the US.
Much to the astonishment and jubilation of the KGB, Trump returned from Moscow to the US to give a Republican presidential campaign speech that fall in Portsmouth, New Hampshire.
He then purchased a large ad in The New York Times, The Washington Post, and The Boston Globe on September 1, 1987 that questioned America’s ongoing support of Japan and NATO, both thorns in the side of the USSR and their Chinese allies.
Trump’s ad laid it on the line:
“Why are these nations not paying the United States for the human lives and billions of dollars we are losing to protect their interests? ... The world is laughing at America’s politicians as we protect ships we don’t own, carrying oil we don’t need, destined for allies who won’t help.”
As The Guardian reported in 2021:
“The bizarre intervention was cause for astonishment and jubilation in Russia. A few days later Shvets, who had returned home by now, was at the headquarters of the KGB’s first chief directorate in Yasenevo when he received a cable celebrating the ad as a successful ‘active measure’ executed by a new KGB asset.
“‘It was unprecedented,’ [Shvets said.] … It was hard to believe that somebody would publish it under his name and that it will impress real serious people in the west but it did and, finally, this guy became the president.’”
Trump was president, in large part, because he used Hillary Clinton’s emails that had been hacked by Russian intelligence services, who then ran a Facebook operation hyping that same information that reached into the homes of 26 million targeted Americans in 6 swing states, helping him win the Electoral College vote.
When he was Trump’s 2016 campaign manager, Paul Manafort personally transmitted to Russian intelligence, via an oligarch he owed money to, details of top-secret GOP polling that could have identified persuadable swing-state voters.
Also, during that 2016 presidential campaign, an insider with Russian connections informed the Trump campaign that Russia had successfully hacked Hillary’s emails on behalf of Trump before the hack was revealed on Wikileaks during the Democratic National Convention.
Thus, in his first weeks in office, presumably as thanks for their help, Trump invited the Russian ambassador and the Russian foreign minister to a covert meeting in the Oval Office and gave them top-secret information on a Middle Eastern spy about whom Russia had been concerned; that spy was then frantically “burned” by Israel.
That was followed by congressional members of his own party voting against compiling information about war crimes committed in Ukraine by Russia.
Senator Rand Paul then made a private trip to Russia to hand-deliver possibly stolen secret “documents” to Putin’s intelligence service; documents that had been personally handed to him in a sealed package by Trump.
Trump then had a series of nearly 20 secret telephone conversations with Putin (the records of what was said no longer exist) and then unilaterally — in defiance of both Congress and the law — blocked military aid to Ukraine while Russia was massing troops on its borders.
He followed up with a years-long campaign to destroy NATO, which was Russia’s top military concern. And he openly praised and deferred to Putin while trash-talking American intelligence services at Helsinki and in other venues.
Which is why when Special Prosecutor Robert Mueller looked into the extent of Russian involvement in the 2016 election and Trump’s collusion with Putin, he:
Found that Russian interference in the 2016 election was “sweeping and systemic.”
Brought indictments for helping Russia steal the election for Trump against 37 individuals including six Trump advisers and 26 Russian nationals, secured seven guilty pleas or convictions, and found “compelling evidence” that Trump himself had stonewalled or lied to investigators and “obstructed justice on multiple occasions.”
Referred 14 criminal matters to the Justice Department, where Trump’s hand-picked Attorney General — who’d helped President George HW Bush cover up the Iran/Contra Treason Scandal — ignored them and let them lapse.
Uncovered five specific examples of Trump, as president, criminally obstructing justice in ways that could easily have been prosecuted if Bill Barr hadn’t buried them.
When Trump ran for re-election in 2020, Russia again came to his aid, this time by hacking Hunter Biden’s iPhone and iCloud accounts, both looking for and trying to plant damaging information suggesting Biden’s father was corrupt, as I documented here yesterday.
Russian social media troll farms and their GOP allies then spread lies about Joe and Hunter Biden across social media in the months before the 2020 election.
When Trump nevertheless lost, Russian intelligence officers used social media to amplify his claims the election was stolen, leading to plans for a coup involving the assassination of Vice President Pence and Speaker of the House Pelosi on January 6, 2021.
The FBI — in part, during Trump’s time in office — compiled material for a report concluding that:
“Throughout the [2020] election, Russia’s online influence actors sought to amplify mistrust in the electoral process by denigrating mail-in ballots, highlighting alleged irregularities, and accusing the Democratic Party of voter fraud.”
Attorney general Merrick Garland appears to have ignored these crimes for the first two years of the Biden administration. He could’ve picked up the work Robert Mueller started, but chose not to. Nobody knows why.
There also have been no prosecutions, and apparently no investigations, of senior Trump administration officials and members of Congress who colluded with the former president in this plot.
Similarly, Senator Chuck Schumer has shown no inclination toward setting up an investigative committee at the Senate that, like the Church Committee of old, could investigate the crimes of a previous president.
At least, though, President Biden is now pushing back, loudly and in public. Better late than never.
He wrapped up his speech yesterday by saying:
“As I’ve said before, we’re at an inflection point in our history — one of those moments that only happens once every few generations. Where the decisions we make today will determine the course of this country — and the world — for decades to come.
“So, you, me, and every American who is committed to preserving our democracy carry a special responsibility. We have to stand up for America’s values embodied in our Declaration of Independence because we know MAGA extremists have already proven they won’t. We have to stand up for our Constitution and the institutions of democracy because MAGA extremists have made clear they won’t.
“History is watching. The world is watching. Most important, our children and grandchildren are watching.”
Trump and his fascist MAGA movement represent the most serious threat America has faced since World War II.
And, as President Biden noted, it’s going to be up to us to rescue our nation from the treasonous Republicans who are trying to destroy American democracy while they bow and scrape and kiss the ring of The Rapist Who Would Be King.
We have a lot of work to do, and despair is not an option. Pass it along!
Thank you for reading my post. The above information was taken from “The Hartmann Report”. Here’s the link to the entire report.
Thank you for your dedication for our United States of America, and the free world get through this time of atrocity with eyes wide open, perseverance and diligence.
Peace ✌🏼
Thank you, Daniel for bringing this information to our attention; it is certainly shocking but I believe every word! We must get Trump under a jail and certainly see that he is exposed and defeated in 2024! Along with all the Putin cronies hiding in our institutions! ❤️🇺🇸