Waiting all day for this hearing to begin, you wonder what in the world are they going to cover that hadn’t been covered already?
Well, folks. I’m here to tell you that there’s a LOT they can cover that hasn’t been brought to light yet!
187 minutes. Over 3 hours of time our president sat on his laurels and did absolutely nothing but cheer this crowd of marchers on.
187 minutes which also took in personal calls from Vice President Pence’s Secret Service detail to their loved ones, family members, to tell them that they loved them in the event they didn’t get out of there alive. Those guys actually thought that they were going to die protecting the Vice President from that mob! Just in case you aren’t aware. It takes A LOT to scare these guys. They are trained to lay their life on the line every day for that person they are protecting. But to have them call their family members and tell them they loved them, in the event they didn’t survive this coup attempt. That says volumes to me of just how it really was that day. Yet, our president did nothing to stop it. He actually egged it on!
187 minutes! Then, he still couldn’t say the words to the American people that needed to be said by him. And, to this very day, still has not said those words.
I can say words for you, Donald Trump.
You are a gutless wonder. A complete embarrassment to this nation, the Presidency, Democracy, and everything about it. You have a yellow streak running down your back wider than the Pacific Coast Highway. You are one of the most pathetic excuses of human flesh that has ever walked this earth.
Anyone that wishes to add to this, feel free to add to it. I doubt if Trump will ever read it, but it feels good to say it anyway. He’d never read it. He’ll have some of his minions read it instead. And, of course he’ll never see it because it will never make FOX news!
But, back to the hearings. The January 6th Committee has done an outstanding job in putting together factual testimony for us, the American people. It’s been clear, concise, extremely informative, and damned interesting! I wish September was tomorrow! I can’t wait to learn what is next in the saga of burying Donald Trump!
Speaking of burying Donald Trump. When is Merrick Garland going to get off his ass and show the American people he has what it takes to get the job done? The January 6th Committee has all but handed him enough material, investigations, testimony, witnesses, to bring indictments on Trump, and all his minions for their part of the attempted coup of January 6th.
If it were you or I which had broken all these federal and state laws. We would have been arrested a long time ago, and we would still be sitting in jail awaiting trial.
Why is Trump, and all his minions, still walking around, playing golf, lying to the public, and spreading more of the ‘big lie’, instead of rotting in a jail cell?