There’s no doubt now. This November election will be the most important ballot ever cast. The most critical decision we, as Americans, have ever made. It was just announced that 27 states have GOP election deniers on their ballots. This is unheard of.
If you are contemplating not voting, may I please take this opportunity to explore you to get to your voting precinct, cast your ballot. Make your voice heard.
Now is the time that we all should be sounding off to all of our family, friends, neighbors, everyone we see. We should be talking nothing but encouraging people to get to the polls and vote.
As I mentioned earlier, there’s 27 states having GOP election deniers on their ballots. 27 states! Have you any idea what will happen if these people get in office? I will try to answer this, in my opinion, anyway.
If these people are elected, first, the Democrats lose control of the House AND Senate. Getting things done then will be impossible. Second, not only will the Democrats lose full control of Congress, but Democracy, as we know it, and have all the freedoms of living it, will be over. If you think for one second that having the freedom of choice taken away for abortions was bad, you haven’t seen anything yet. Our freedom of choice for ejections will be over.
Yes, the GOP of Trump will change everything to suit them. If we have elections ever again, it will surprise me. These people do not want a Democracy. They want something entirely different. It’s called a Dictatorship, and Trump will be the Dictator, and we will be living under the thumb of Putin, and Russia. Putin will have taken over this country, and not fired a shot to accomplish it.
We must, MUST, get to the polls and vote. We must, MUST, encourage everyone we see to do the same. If necessary, and you are able to, please give people rides to the polls if they don’t have a way to get there. We must make it impossible for Trump, and his GOO enablers and followers to get in office. And, the ones that are in office now need to be voted out.