I’m going to start off by asking one question that I hope you think about, seriously.
How the hell did we get here?
Now, down to business. This long awaited indictment of an ex-president of the United States. This one indictment, that is full of action-packed facts and evidence, is a pure sign of just how thorough Special Prosecutor Smith has been.
Smith, and his team, have put together tedious investigations, interviews, of ALL the parties to come up with evidence o didn’t dream was possible. And, it’s all shown in this indictment. Every bit of it.
This indictment is extremely easy to read. It’s written in language even a person with no law background, or experience, can read, and fully understand. If you haven’t read it, I encourage you to do so. It’ll be a like the ‘book you just can’t put down until you’re finished’.
Here is a link to the full Indictment of Donald J. Trump.
This Indictment was handed down by a Grand Jury. A Grand Jury made up of common everyday citizens located in South Florida. Citizens which live in “Trump County” as we call it. These were citizens living in the state which voted for, and supported Donald J. Trump on his bid for election in 2016, and again in 2020.
Smith, in painstaking work, interviewed employees of Mar-a-Lago, who had direct connections with Trump. Employees of the White House, who were there working while Trump was there. He has put in writing an extremely clear picture of the Classified, Secret, Top Secret, and other documents that were so Top Secret that the FBI agents who conducted the search of Mar-a-Lago couldn’t even look at the documents because none of them had to he security clearance to view the documents.
There was over 100 documents located in the search, that were removed by the FBI agents, with classification such that they were never supposed to be shown to anyone. Yet, this Indictment reveals, Donald J. Trump took it upon himself to share the contents of some of these highly Top Secret documents with people staying at, or visiting, Mar-a-Lago. This, also is clearly stated, and proven, in this Indictment with the words spoken by Donald J. Trump on tape, with the persons he took it upon himself to share such government secrets with.
Now, let’s move away from this Indictment just a bit. Let’s discuss just what type of person does this. What type of person commits the act of Espionage 31 times in less than 2 years?
The answer. A narcissistic sociopath who thinks he’s above the law. A narcissistic sociopath that thinks he can do anything he wants without being judged. Without being caught.
This is Donald J. Trump. This is a ‘man’ that sticks his nose in the air and doesn’t see anyone underneath it. This is a ‘man’ that sits at a table in a dining hall showing extremely Top Secret government documents to common citizens that haven’t a shred of clearance to be viewing any type such documents, and says “look at me. Look what I have. Look what I can do with this, and no one can stop me.”
These are documents of out troop movements in foreign countries. Missions being conducted. Our Nuclear Weapons, responses to attacks from foreign nations. Nuclear codes, which should have NEVER left the White House, under any circumstances.
Since this Indictment was released to the public on Friday afternoon, June 9, 2033, the ‘Republican Party’ leadership of the House, Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) has sent forth a video release statement against this prosecution of Trump, against the investigation, against the hard work of Smith and his team, against the Attorney General. And, he’s not the only one. Others of the ‘Republican Party’ have stepped forward with statements along the same lines, some going so far as to pose threats of violence against those involved in this investigation, and their families.
There’s been threats of violence this coming week, on Tuesday afternoon, at the Federal Courthouse in Dade County, Florida (Miami) when Donald J. Trump is to turn himself in, be fingerprinted, his mug shot taken, and appear in court for the first of many proceedings. He’ll have all the charges read to him from the Indictment. All 37 of them. And he’ll be given the opportunity to enter a plea to each charge.
Of the 37 charges being filed against Donald J. Trump, 31 are fir charges associated with the “Espionage Act” through willful retention of Classified Intelligence. Each one of these carrying a maximum of up to 20 year’s imprisonment. The other charges levied within the Indictment are also Felony charges. In short, IF Trump is convicted on all charges, he faces decades of incarceration in a Federal prison.
This is what is the ‘front runner’ of the Republican Party for the upcoming 2024 Presidential Election. This is the person the others in the Republican field who are trying to gain the nomination of their party are all gathering around Trump and supporting him, chastising the DOJ, Smith, and the investigation.
WE have a lot of work to do. WE cannot afford to have ANY Republican in ANY political office in 2024, 2026, 2028, or any special elections in between. We must not turn this country over to the likes of this Republican Party. WE must not allow any of this Authoritarian regime even close to a political office in our local, state, or federal government.
A well written essay Daniel. You have nailed it and I agree with you on keeping the R's out of office as much as possible.