Is Anyone Really Surprised?
Sen. Kyrsten Sinema (D, or I, Ariz.) strikes again.
I have to ask this question. Is anyone truly surprised at the actions of Senator Kyrsten Sinema?
I’m not. As a matter of fact, it was expected, at least by me anyway. I mean, what else is she going to do to get headlines, other than change her party? It’s been reported there is a reason or two why she’s doing this at this time.
A. She isn’t real popular back in her home state with the Democratic voters, or the Republican voters for that matter.
B. She is expected to have a very serious opponent on the Democratic ticket in Arizona in 2024. So, she is guessing that she’ll get to run in the general election as an Independent candidate against him, and whomever is the Republican candidate.
Now, study this just for a minute. Does any of this make sense? Last I looked, she’s not Senator Bernie Sanders! She darn sure doesn’t act like him either. But, seriously, her philosophy here isn’t making sense. If she’s not liked by her actions to this point in the Senate by her state voters of either party, just exactly what good is changing your party affiliation going to do for the primary, or upcoming general election?
What she has done is rake in millions and millions of dollars from her high dollar groups she’s catered to the past two years, and (excuse my vernacular) to hell with her fellow Arizonans, or any other American citizen for that matter. She’s about as much a waste in the Senate as the entire lot of Republican, Trump-loving, bunch. All of them.
Now, on to another big topic of the week. The Speaker of the House. Now, we all know that the Republicans did get a slight majority in the House. All in all, do they really, truly, have one Republican that would come close to being qualified for the position of Speaker of the House? One that d***n sure isn’t. Kevin McCarthy!!! He has absolutely no business even close to the Speakers gavel! Having him as Speaker will be like us re-electing Trump to office. And I wouldn’t elect him as dog catcher!
Speaking of Trump loving people, the MAGA people. There’s one in, guess where, ARIZONA, still raising a stink about her election loss. (Sound familiar?) Kari Lake has filed a lawsuit about her election results. According to a report in the Washington Post, she’s (wait for it.....) wanting the results thrown out and a new election be held, or throw the results out and appoint her as the winning Governor of Arizona.
Now, I ask you. Just exactly who does this sound like? A repeat of the 2020 election a certain person still hasn’t conceded to losing. But continues wasting money in court after court losing his legal battles. Give us a break, Lake. You lost. Get over it and move on. Geeze!
That’s it. Just a few thoughts that come to mind for the last week. But hold on folks, next week is going to start off with a big bang! The January 6 Senate Committee meets tomorrow, (Sunday) to discuss WHO they will be referring to the DOJ for criminal prosecution. I, for one, can’t wait to see who’s on this list.
Does anyone wish to place any bets on who’ll be NO. 1 on the list?