Is She or Isn’t She? That’s the Question of the Week!
Justice Cannon makes her move. Question is, just exactly what’s her thinking on this court date?
Well, folks. The trial is set for the Documents Case, in Justice Eileen Cannon’s courtroom in Ft. Pierce, Florida.
Today, Friday July 21, 2023, Justice Cannon set the trial date for Monday May 20, 2024. This is not what the Trump team of attorneys had been hoping for. They had requested that the trial be delayed until after the elections were over in November 2024. Prosecutions attorneys had requested a trial date of December 2023.
Former President Donald J. Trump initiated his run for president in November 2022, a week after the 2022 midterm elections and two years ahead of the 2024 election. Now, this, in my opinion was quite early to be announcing to run for office in the election which is two years away. But, looking at who it was that threw his hat in the basket so early we probably know why. Trump has always made the claim that he’s done nothing wrong. But, as we learned from numerous testimonies of those closest to him, he knew that he had lost the election, and he had been told numerous times that what he was doing was against the law. Yet, he did it anyway!
So, Trump has known for over two years that he was going to be indicted. He has known for two years that these investigations were going to catch up to him sooner or later. Plus, he has continually told his ‘sheep’ that he needed their help, their money, their support, to fight the legal battles. He needed them to support him in his fight for the presidency and to fight the crooked Biden Justice Department and the crooked FBI.
Trump used a word like “weaponized”, which I especially liked. I have no idea what his meaning of “weaponized” is, but mine, being a retired law enforcement officer, means that the officers are armed, carrying firearms.
During an interview this week Trump stated when ask about Justice Eileen Cannon. “She’s a smart judge. She’s smart. I appointed her and she loves our country. We need judges that love our country and will do the right thing.”
I do hope you caught the last sentence. “Judges that love our country and WILL DO THE RIGHT THING.”
Now, let’s study this trial date set by Justice Cannon. May 20, 2024. The primaries begin in Iowa with the Iowa Caucuses. Here’s the full primaries schedule.
GOP rules mandate that changes to all contest dates must occur by September 2023, and there appears to be a trend of contests being scheduled earlier than usual. They also specify that all must occur between March and June 11, 2024 - except for Iowa, New Hampshire, Nevada, and South Carolina - which are allowed to hold contests in February. Iowa, however, chose to hold its caucus the earliest in over a decade, on a federal holiday - January 15 - as the rules are not legally binding. New Hampshire is expected in late January, a result of state law requiring it to be held at least a week prior to other primaries. Nevada is expected on February 6, with South Carolina on February 24 and Michigan on February 27. The bulk of contests will be concentrated in March, as in previous presidential primaries.
Trump received his first indictment on March 30 and was arrested on April 4. On April 25, Trump suggested he would skip Republican debates, saying he did not want to be "libeled and abused" in them and boasting that he already had a "seemingly insurmountable" lead.
On May 10, Trump conducted a live town hall with CNN, his first time with a major network other than Fox News since storming off an interview with 60 Minutes in October 2020.
Trump's poll numbers surged immediately after the New York State indictment was announced. A Yahoo News poll shows that in a Republican primary, 57% of respondents would vote for Trump. In a NPR/PBS NewsHour/Marist College poll, 80% of Republicans surveyed said Trump was being unfairly targeted.
In July, Trump's jury trial over possession of classified documents was scheduled for 10 months later, for between May 20 and July 3, which will be at the end of the primary season, but prior to the republican convention and presidential election. The 37 counts carry possible sentences of jail time, however this would not interfere with ballot access.
(The above timeline provided by Wikipedia:
Now, let us study these dates. As you can see, the biggest majority of the nation’s primaries for the Republican presidential nomination are prior to May 20, 2024. So, although Justice Cannon didn’t give the Trump attorney’s what they had ask for, she basically put the trial far enough ahead where we may know who the nominee is for the Republican Party.
So, here bids the $2 billion dollar question. Is she or isn’t she?
Is she giving in to Trump, still?
Is she still under his spell?
Is she still beholding to him for her unjust appointment to the Federal Judgeship?
To be determined, I guess. We shall see. One thing is for sure. IF Donald J. Trump is the Republican Party nominee for President of the United States, you can bed your bottom dollar that his attorneys will be in every courtroom telling the Justices that he cannot possibly have any trials now. He’s the Republican Party nominee and he’s going to be extremely busy campaigning.
She knows she has to get this done without looking like a fool again. She probably will grant the defense small favors but not go overboard. Apparently she is a brilliant legal scholar yet, willing to set her knowledge aside to help TFG.