MAGA Trumpublicans are at it, AGAIN!
Seriously, with this country fixing to default on its debt, the House of Representatives is listening to Trump!
The House of Representatives is returning to “work” tomorrow after their Summer recess. I’m not exactly sure what this “work” will be, because they have the Budget which should take priority to everything else. But, it’s not. They, Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) along with Donald J. Trump (4 time indicted, 2 time loser in a Civil rape case, and facing over 500 years in prison on 91 felony counts, EX-president) is insisting that nothing will be done until President Joe Biden is impeached! Trump is insisting that he be impeached. Marjorie Taylor Greene is staying all lovey-dicey with Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy to make sure he does what she, and their fearless leader tells him to do. If you remember, he sold his soul to the MAGA Trumpublican GQP Party just so he could sit in front behind the big desk and pound that gavel.
Since the Republicans have taken over the House of Representatives, after WE screwed the pooch in the mid-term elections, there’s not been one thing accomplished. This bunch has spent a year doing nothing EXCEPT trying to dig up dirt on Hunter Biden, and the “Biden Crime Syndicate”!
What have they covered after a year of all their different investigations?
NOTHING. Not one damn thing! And, what’s worse is they have Republicans from both the House of Representatives and Senate telling Kevin McCarthy and MT Greene that this impeachment proceedings is a waste of time. There’s nothing there to impeach Biden for.
First question. Will the House Republicans get anything done this last 2 years?
Second question. Have we learned our lesson? Have we learned we can’t sit back on our laurels and ‘assume’ others are going to vote to elect the candidates we need to get, keep, majority in the two chambers of Congress?
I sure hope so. We need a Super Majority in the House of Representatives and Senate to put an end to this GQP MAGA Party. We have GOT to get these people out of our political scene in our states, and federal government. It’s going to take the next 3 or 4 elections, which means the next 8 to 12 years at least.
We have a hell of a lot of work to do!!!
In other news, a note about an aide at Mar-a-Lago has ‘flipped’. It appears this person got themselves a lawyer not paid, or given to them by Trump, and this attorney has some brains. This attorney, I think, explained the facts of life to this person about just how much prison time he was facing, so he’s decided to get with Special Prosecutor Jack Smith. Now, he’s a witness for Smith. I have no idea what deal has been worked up, but this is the IT gentleman that helped move the boxes at the behest of Trump, and was involved in the destruction of the audio/video evidence as was ordered by Trump.
Trump is screwed in the Mar-a-Lago case, all the charges. He’s so screwed!
Virginia “Ginni” Thomas (Wikipedia image)
On to other news. Clearance, and his dear wife Ginni. Apparently, Ginni had formed a ‘nonprofit group’, Liberty Central, financed initially with a sizable donation by billionaire Harlan Crow. Ginni appointed herself as the head of this group. It’s my understanding, from a report by Politico, that one ‘donation’ to this new group of Ginni’s was over $500,000!
Now, just so we don’t get confused with this, there’s a decision soon coming in a Supreme Court case, Citizens United. This decision is just weeks away. Ginni teamed up with her good friend Leonard Leo, the head of the Federalist Society, to create this non-profit group with a $500,000 donation from Harlan Crow. This is Al set up in such a manner where, in a few weeks when the Supreme Court decision is handed down, it will be in a manner to benefit this nonprofit group, where the nonprofit and Citizens United will benefit from the Supreme Court’s decision.
Here’s the link to the article where this breaking news was reported by Politico.
Here’s the actual article, from POLITICO.
NEW QUESTIONS CLOUD CLARENCE THOMAS — In 2010, the Supreme Court ruling in Citizens United dramatically expanded the influence of money in politics. That is little surprise to anyone who’s paid attention these last 13 years.
But in a major investigation out this morning, Heidi Przybyla reveals something genuinely eyebrow-raising: how two conservative activists — Federalist Society leader LEONARD LEO and VIRGINIA THOMAS, the wife of Justice Clarence Thomas — worked together to seize the moment and fuel a partisan political movement, with financial support from billionaire HARLAN CROW.
Here are some of the key findings from the piece:
— Just weeks ahead of the Citizens United ruling, Ginni Thomas teamed up with Leo to create a nonprofit, Liberty Central, that would benefit from the coming ruling. The organization’s focus was to tear down the Obama administration’s health care agenda.
The early discussions among Leo, Thomas and Crow — who, it was revealed earlier this year, has used his immense wealth to lavish the Thomases with extravagant vacations and other gifts — resulted in a “billion-dollar force that has helped remake the judiciary and overturn longstanding legal precedents on abortion, affirmative action and many other issues.”
— When Ginni Thomas was forced to step aside later in 2010, it was, by all public appearances, the end of their collaboration. But Heidi found that Thomas immediately filed paperwork to form a for-profitconsulting business — and Leo’s network reactivated a dormant tax-exempt charitable group, the Judicial Education Project, that went on to pay her an amount similar to what she had earned from Liberty Central.
— Under federal law, groups like the Judicial Education Project are supposed to be primarily charitable in nature. It is unclear what charitable services Thomas, who was attempting to form a political activist group at the time, was qualified to provide and whether she was paid a fair price for her services.
— There are IRS reporting discrepancies in paperwork concerning the group, along with more examples of Leo’s friends who’ve been paid significant amounts of money from tax-exempt nonprofits for services they refuse to disclose when questioned. The group has filed multiple amicus briefs in front of the Supreme Court.
As the cascade of questions about ethics on the Supreme Court continues to fall, you can expect to hear more about this.
Now, if we may, let’s move on to Elon Musk. There’s an issue going on that I don’t really understand, fully.
What the HELL is Elon Musk up to? Has he turned totally into a Russian Putin Lover?
Elon Musk (Wikipedia image)
This country, the United States, has given this man a fortune by handing his company the contract to put our satellites into space, plus he’s involved in our space program by putting astronauts at the Space Station. He’s made billions of dollars from the federal government.
60 Starlink satellites stacked together before deployment on 24 May 2019 (Wikipedia image)
Starlink is a satellite internet constellationoperated by American aerospace company SpaceX, providing satellite Internet accesscoverage to over 56 countries. It also aims for global mobile phone service after 2023. SpaceX started launching Starlink satellites in 2019. As of May 2023, Starlink consists of over 4,000 mass-produced small satellites in low Earth orbit (LEO), which communicate with designated ground transceivers. In total, nearly 12,000 satellites are planned to be deployed, with a possible later extension to 42,000. SpaceX announced reaching more than 1 million subscribers in December 2022 and 1.5 million subscribers in May 2023.
(From Wikipedia:
Now, he’s in constant communication with Russian leaders, including Putin himself. He has CONTROL of the Starlink Satellite, which this government paid him to put into orbit, to the point that he can “watch the entire war between Russia and Ukraine unfolding.” He sees that the Ukrainian military is defeating the Russians, he cuts their access to the Satellite so the Ukrainian army can’t communicate. And, it has been reported he did this AFTER talking with Putin on the phone.
Now, I’m no genius by any means, but in my book, this is Treason. Something has got to be done with Musk. Personally, I think he, like Trump, are having serious mental issues. Both of them need to be in a padded cell, away from all civilized society, without any electronic communication or access whatsoever to any electronic communications devices, or computers.
Musk is a danger to society, to this democracy, and a threat to the United States of America.
Is this not the definition of Treason?
Sound familiar? Sound like someone else?
Finally, I’m going to present something to you about an upcoming election in the state of Virginia. I’m taking this directly out of Politico.
The following article was copied straight from the Politico “FIRST IN PLAYBOOK”.
FIRST IN PLAYBOOK: VIRGINIA OFFERS PREVIEW OF 2024 — In just about eight weeks, Virginia voters will decide what is arguably the most nationally relevant election on the ballot in 2023.
We could tell you all about the stakes for Virginia — all 140 state legislative seats are up for grabs, and Gov. GLENN YOUNGKIN’s Republicans have the rare opportunity to win a trifecta in a purple-to-blue battleground state.
But the reason that national political insiders are paying attention is that the Virginia election is a test run for both parties’ messaging ahead of 2024.
To top Virginia Democrats, the race is shaped by nearly the exact same contours that define the JOE BIDEN campaign’s theory of the case for 2024, according to a memo obtained exclusively by Playbook.
THE NATIONAL IMPLICATIONS: If the Virginia strategy is any guide, you can expect to hear Democrats talk a whole lot about abortion rights and “MAGA extremists” next year.
“Abortion is on the ballot,” write Amy Friedman, Matt Calderon and Sam Signori, top aides with the Virginia Dems’ House Caucus, Senate Caucus and the Majority Project, respectively. They identify the issue as the top “strategic reality” in the campaign.
“The MAGA extremists have already shown us they want to change Virginia’s current laws and ban abortion if they get complete control this November,” the memo reads. “Virginia is currently the only southern state remaining where abortion rights haven’t been taken away since the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade, but that would change if they take power.”
The other four “strategic realities” give a glimpse of the issues Dems think play well in swinging suburban districts: gun laws, education, GOP extremism and the budget (framed mostly along economic lines). All have national salience, but perhaps none more than abortion rights.
THE VIRGINIA IMPLICATIONS: The memo’s battlefield analysis comes down to three subcategories: (1) “Republicans’ path to win the state Senate can be stopped”; (2) “control of the House of Delegates is at play” and (3) “the ground game is in full swing.”
On the latter, Dems boast of “100 staff members already in the field, a seven-figure early and absentee vote effort, including a robust field program with a combination of collaborative door-to-door and phone-to-phone efforts … Organizers expect to knock on over one million doors by election day.”
On the other side of the aisle, at a rally last night, Youngkin fired up Republicans and made a plea for supporters to join in the GOP ground game: “We need an army knocking on doors and getting people out to vote.”
As for the issues he talked about, they offer a 2024 preview for GOP messaging: “education, the economy and crime,” as ABC’s Laura Romero reports.
One thing Youngkin did not mention: anything about abortion — “[b]ut when pressed after the event whether he would support a six-week abortion ban, Youngkin said he would support a 15-week abortion ban bill,” Romero writes. (It’s another reminder that after decades of fighting for the fall of Roe, the GOP continues to struggle over what exactly should come next, and how to sell it to the public.)
Questions I have for you is:
What are WE going to do? Are WE just going to sit and watch? Are WE just going to say “the Virginia Democrats will handle this on their own.”?
I don’t think so. We have seen what happens when we sit back and watch. We lost control of the House of Representatives!
We can’t let that happen now, in ANY state, or federal government public offices!
And, lastly, this afternoon the United States Department of State released the following:
New Partnership with Vietnam to Explore Semiconductor Supply Chain Opportunities
Office of the Spokesperson, Matthew Miller
The U.S. State Department is partnering with the Government of Vietnam to explore opportunities to grow and diversify the global semiconductor ecosystem under the International Technology Security and Innovation (ITSI) Fund, created by the CHIPS Act of 2022. This partnership will help create a more resilient, secure, and sustainable global semiconductor value chain.
Vietnam shows promise as a partner in ensuring the semiconductor supply chain is diverse and resilient. Products ranging from vehicles to medical devices increasingly rely on semiconductors as the building blocks of today’s economy. By building on Vietnam’s existing strengths in assembly, testing, and packaging. This collaboration strives to identify new opportunities that attract industry investments and expand the technical workforces in both countries.
The partnership is beginning with a review of Vietnam’s current semiconductor ecosystem, regulatory framework, and workforce and infrastructure needs. The outcome of this review will inform potential future collaboration on developing this critical sector.
In August 2022, President Biden signed the CHIPS Act of 2022, a U.S. law that appropriated new funding to boost domestic manufacturing and research of semiconductors in the United States. The CHIPS Act of 2022 created the ITSI Fund, which provides the U.S. Department of State with $500 million ($100 million per year over five years, starting in Fiscal Year 2023) to promote the development and adoption of secure and trustworthy telecommunications networks and ensure semiconductor supply chain security and diversification through new programs and initiatives with our allies and partners.
More information about the ITSI Fund: The U.S. Department of State International Technology Security and Innovation Fund.
This is quite the announcement, since they, and President Biden were just in Vietnam having a meeting with their leaders about this very thing!
But, hold the presses! Biden is to old, senile, and doesn’t get anything done!
That’s some heavy information; the fascists have been unleashed and it’s time to saddle up.