Secret Service Erases Texts from Jan. 5 and 6, 2021
Erasures made AFTER being requested for by the Office of the Inspector General!
Is there any limits that people will go to to cover-up what really happened those days? Now, we, the public, are learning this. Why have just those days been “erased” by USSS? Why weren’t these electronic recordings archived, as they were supposed to be?
“What we have here is a failure to communicate!” (Imagine that!)
This reminds me of an event in November’63. Assassination of President John F. Kennedy. The Secret Service “lost” important documents that had been requested about the assassination. Why is it when documents/recordings, etc are requested from the Secret Service, they are “lost”, “destroyed”, or “erased” AFTER the request?
Seems ‘heads need to roll’, to me. It’s time to put some people in charge that are able to follow law, rules, and maintain integrity if important information, be it written or recorded, no matter the situation. I mean, my goodness, we are talking about happenings with the President if the Inited States! We are talking about his actions , involvement in or with, the attempted overthrow of our Democracy! We are talking about his , reported under oath, attempted attacking Secret Service agents in his ‘beast’ on January 6, 2021!
Will the full truth ever be known? Willy he ‘cover-up’ continue, or be allowed to continue without consequences? Questions, questions, questions!