To Vote, or Not to Vote? THAT is the Question!
Pondering questions leading up to the upcoming elections, and the state of our Democracy.
As we stare down the barrel of one of the biggest recessions in history, we have to keep reminding ourselves of some important facts.
1. What goes up, must come down…..eventually!
2. This ‘recession’ is actually the creation of the ‘previous administration’ doing with all of the policy changes,, ‘executive orders’, etc he signed doing away with everything set up by the Obama administration.
3. We must also remember the change she made to our Trade policies. Stopping it, just go suit him and padding his pocketbook.
These three items alone are, in my personal opinion, the biggest blame gif our situation now. Blaming this on Biden and the democrats is wrong. If you study everything that’s happened the past two years, Biden and the democratically controlled co gem read has tried their best to head this off. But when you have to rebuild the house from the ground up after a disasterous storm, it’s virtually impossible to do in just two short years. Hell, with what Biden and this congress was handed two years ago, it’s impossible to do in 4 years!
Every single year, as it approaches summertime, we experience higher fuel prices. There hasn’t been a year go by that this hadn’t happened since I’ve been driving (and that’s been a lot of years). And every year, the fuel prices go back down, but they still stay higher than the year before.
Ever since the ‘Trade Embargo’ was enacted by Trump, our cost of food has steadily risen. Yet, I hate bursting bubbles if a lot of folks out there, but the farmer is still the one’s getting screwed in all this price increase we are looking at, at the checkout. The farmer is still getting the same pennies on the dollar he was receiving before the increase at the checkouts. So, this ‘inflation’ in groceries begs one real important question. JUST EXACTLY WHO IS GAINING FROM THE 40% GROCERY INCREASE?
Now, I’m going to discuss the upcoming elections. Yes, the mid-terms and 2024. We MUST keep these in conversation every time we write.
If we don’t cast our ballot we have no say in the results of the outcome, and certainly have no voice in complaining of the outcome.
We must cast our ballot if we have any hope of keeping/strengthening our democratic position in the House and Senate. Remember, we have a LARGE group of Republicans that need to go. First, they supported the attempted coup of our nations capital, and our democracy. Second, this same group of Republicans have voted against absolutely everything since the change of the administration. Be it good, bad, or ugly, they voted against it. This is NOT what we want, or need, representing us in Washington DC. Or our state capitals either, for that matter.
The Republicans are so divided right now, and, thanks to the work of the January 6th Committee and the superb work they have done in putting together these public hearings, we are all, if we have been paying attention, getting a real clear picture of just what involvement Trump, and each of his enablers had in the attempt to overthrow our government, our democracy, our free way of life. And, the fact still remains that he is still trying to do this!!!
Bottom line on elections:
Now, looking at the questions ask by our esteemed writer:
Which way is the wind blowing?
Hopefully, to the side of building a stronger Democratic House and Senate. Eliminating the members of the House and Senate that need to be voted out for their actions in the attempted coup, as well as their neglect of supporting the will of the people.
Will voters beset by rising prices take it out on the "ruling" party?
Hopefully not. I’m old enough to know this is the work of the previous administration, which is the Republican administration. As I noted above, Trump turned this country on its ear making things better for the upper 1% population, and literally put the screws to the rest of us. Now, we are paying the price, and we need to support our current administration to built it stronger to help get things back to near normal.
Will the Supreme Court’s dive into the reactionary deep-end spur voters to show their disgust at the polls?
It’s no doubt we know why the Supreme Court justices have done things we have seen lately. But this begs more questions than answers. Why do we have Supreme Court justices sitting on this court that are not enacting the rule of law? Instead, they are destroying the law, backing this country up into the 1700s and 1800s!
Will Democratic voters frustrated by a lack of action on big issues they care about stay home out of frustration?
I sure hope not. Voters, realize this is the doing of the Trump administration and get out and vote. Put a stop to this nonsense. VOTE, VOTE, VOTE!!! We must show these politicians who they work for, and we have the final say!
Will candidates like Herschel Walker in Georgia and Mehmet Oz in New Jersey (I mean Pennsylvania) sink Republican hopes in the Senate?
I have my hopes that ANY candidate that has the backing, support, endorsement, of Trump is NOT voted in office. Our democracy, our freedom, our way of live, depends on it. Strongly! There is no place in our Congress for people like this. We just finished 4 years of hell under Trump. I, for one, have no desire to do a repeat of that. In any form!
Will apathy or anger be the driving narrative?
For me, I’m angry. I’m angry that we, the people, allowed this to happen 6 years ago. I’m angry that once it was learned that Trump was actually put in office with the help of Putin, that he wasn’t removed immediately. I’m angry that with the mountain of evidence that has been turned over to the DOJ that Trump hasn’t been indicted/arrested/ jailed for his various crimes he’s committed.
If any of us had committed any if the crimes that have been committed by Trump, we would have been jailed a long time ago. But, we are talking about Trump. He had been escaping jail, putting the blame for all his wrong-doing, law breaking, on someone else every since I began my law enforcement career back in the 70s. Trump is way overdue. Now, he’s facing the rest of his life in prison, which is exactly where he needs to be. Buried in a deep, dark, cell where he has no access to the outside world. And, his ‘empire’ needs to crumble, once and for all!