Who’s Really to Blame?
How many people have to die before our people on Capital Hill decide to listen?
That’s a question I am sure is in a lot of folks’ mind right about now. And, it seems that every week that goes by, more and more names are carved on stone crosses because our Senators and Congressmen/women refuse to act responsibly. All because of the gun lobbyist, and the NRA!!!
It’s amazing the hold these people have on Washington DC. They have had their grip a bit to tight for way to many years.
I am a retired law enforcement officer. Spent over 29+ years as a cop, firefighter, and correctional officer sergeant for the state of Florida. And I’m here to tell you that guns are a problem. It’s beyond an epidemic when you have this many shooting incidents involving guns that only belong in the patrol vehicle, or in a soldiers arms serving our country, protecting our rights and freedom.
Who’s truly to blame for this outrageous epidemic being created? In a simple, and hurtfully true answer…………
Why, you ask, do I say this.
Who elected these people to office?
Who has allowed them to run ram-shot over us every time they want?
Who hasn’t done a damn thing to stop any of them, except vote them back in office because they are “one of the good old-boys”!
We have created this mess, and now, every time there’s a shooting, children, teachers, educators, clergymen, parishioners, are killed, we lay the blame on someone else.
Case in point. I’ll take the Uvalde shooting for instance. I have tried my best to follow this incident. Keeping up with the grief that these parents, loved ones, had to endure looking, watching that disaster taking place in front of their eyes.
Did law enforcement make mistakes. Hell yes. And they should man up and admit it. The buck always stops with the “HMFIC” as we used to say in the ranks. It’s always the head man’s fault when one of his people make mistakes. But you know what. NOT ALWAYS!!!
I remember the time when budget cuts happened not just in these last several years. Budget cuts in law enforcement have been taking place for over 50 years people! Every law enforcement agency have had to cut their budgets every year since I can remember. Same as firefighters, and all First Responder agencies. Why? Because the PEOPLE DEMANDED BUDGET CUTS! So, to make the people happy, law enforcement gives up training hours, new positions desperately needed, equipment needed to replace old worn out equipment.
Then, the people demanding “Defund the Police”! Are you kidding me! Why? Look at what all this has gotten us.
Children, or at least young adults, can walk into a gun shop/store, buy a firearm and walk out with it. Answer a few questions on a stupid form, that anyone wanting a weapon will lie on anyway, because all that form does is go into the filing cabinet until it’s investigated because the person that bought the gun has taken it and killed 18 or so children and educators with it!
Adult people that have no business with a firearm of any kind. Anyone can walk into a gun shop right now and purchase a weapon of mass destruction. And for what purpose? None whatsoever, except to kill people. That’s all!
What do people need guns for?
Protection? Are you sure? If guns were not available, no one would need, or have, a gun. So, why would you need one for protection. And protection from what? Who? If you shoot someone, chances are you are looking at a legal battle that will most likely cost you a whole lot you don’t have.
Self-preservation? For what? What would you’re possible preservation be to owning a firearm of mass destruction?
Hunting? Now, this is an excuse I’ve heard so many time it makes me sick. There’s a big difference in hunting for food, such as deer, elk, bear, or some other legal game people hunt these days with a 30/30 or 30-06 that holds 3 rounds legally and an AR-15 that holds a magazine if 30+ rounds capable of firing those rounds in just a second or two.
So, who’s really to blame? Maybe the better question should be:
What the hell are we going to do about it?
Who’s name will be carved in this cross next?
Think about that for a while!