Will Trump See Lockup?
This is the $1,000 question. Judge Juan Merchan has explained the law in simple terms.
The judge of the Trump trial currently going on in New York has explained to Trump, and the attorneys on both sides, in the simplest language. I think a first grader could have understood the explanation.
Judge Juan Merchan
What the judge said, basically, was this:
By New York law, he can only charge up to $1,000 per violation of his “Gag Order”.
To date, Trump has been fined $9,000.00. This is for nine violations of the Order.
The judge also explained to Trump that his choices of punishment for such violations was the fine, or being jailed for a period of “up to 30 days per violation”.
Now, I’ve been listening to the legal, lawyer, analysts on television explaining this. From what I’m understanding, this hearing which they had this morning (Thursday, 05-02-2024), the prosecution presented 4 recordings of Trump violating the Gag Order again. The judge has not ruled on these 4 alleged violations, yet, but I’m expecting that these will also amount to fines of $1,000 for each one which he rules was in fact a violation. This is basically due to the fact that these violations occurred prior to the judge explaining to him that he faced jail of up to 30 days per violation, if he continued.
Now, any violations which Trump commits would, could, possibly land him in jail. There is something, according to the legal analysts, that could be w he as holding g be acknowledged locking Trump up. They explain that this would in fact delay the trial, plus they may be thinking that Trump continues his actions trying to get locked up for violating. This, by their thinking, might make him some type of ‘martyr’ to his cult followers. Plus it will be a huge draw for him to beg, and receive, more money from his cult followers.
Now, I’m going to throw something out as a ‘discussion point’, if I may.
There’s no court scheduled on any Wednesday or weekends. That’s three days a week that Trump can sit in jail for violating this Gag Order. So, my suggestion is thus. Please understand I’m no attorney, with no law degree, nor law education with exception of my Criminal Justice degree fur my law enforcement career. We had no legal education above what they teach for that degree.
As I explained, there’s three days a week there’s no court.
First, each violation he is judged on, he will spend those three days each week in jail.
He will also be barred from mentioning anything about the trial, the judge, the court personnel, attorneys, juries, witnesses, or any of the family members of the aforementioned group.
He also will be barred from any internet usage, posting anything about the aforementioned case, or people involved with it in any capacity.
He shall be allowed to have his political rallies, but he will not be able to discuss, mention, answer question about, anything to do with this case, or people involved as mentioned beforehand.
Now, if he spent the next four to six weeks with his spare night court days locked up, cut off from his rallies, or talk shows in his right-wing networks who bow down and kiss his ring every chance they get, from talking about the court case, or anything, and anyone, involved with it, and their family members, plus can’t do any posting on social media about it. That might curb him a bit from committing violations.
If it didn’t, then I’d lock him up for the full 30 days per violation, and have that sentence to begin at the completion of the trial. This way, there will be no delay of the trial, which he so desperately wants. That alone will piss him off!
I think it’s a great idea, but I’m not holding my breath. As a lawyer, I can see his attorneys appealing this as election interference because it would perhaps intentionally prevent him from campaigning and we know SCOTUS would agree with him either way, with or w/o any legal basis.
I think that the Judge recognizes that Trump should be jailed, should have been jailed for his gag order violations. However, he’s holding back so as not to risk any possibility that the trial’s validity would be compromised. That, as frustrating as it is to sane people.