Your Vote Counts
If you think your vote doesn’t count, think again. Issues are way to important now.
Issues are important, to everyone. First and foremost, our Democracy. Do we truly want to throw it away? January 6, 2021 should have been a wake up call, to every American.
Now, the past president is still in the news, still defying the election results, and still under investigation for crimes that if you or I would have committed, we would already be buried so far in the prison system we’d never see the light of day. Same thing goes for his followers and enablers that are still serving in our Congress.
Marjorie Taylor Greene, is one in particular. She has been kicked off every committee she was serving on, yet she remains in office. And, she’s running for re-election, again. The people in her district ‘love’ her, although she’s not able to do, or has done, a thing for them the past two years!
There’s numerous more just like her that need to be kicked out of office. Why haven’t they been?
Now, let’s talk about some other candidates. Starting with the famous ones. Dr. Oz and Hershel Walker. The only reason either of these individuals are running for office is because Trump has them running. They are both his ‘minions’, and will do exactly what others in Congress, or Trump, tells them to do.
Dr. Oz doesn’t even live in the state he’s running in. As a matter of fact, he owns 7 homes in 7 different states. So, does this qualify him to be able to run in any state he owns a home in, irregardless of where he actually resides? What about his legal background? Does he have any at all? Or is he just a tv celebrity doctor that’s running on that?
Now, let us turn our attention to the next celebrity. Hershel Walker. Here’s a man that threatened his wife with a gun. Put the gun to her head telling her he would blow her brains out. Threatened her several times, all documented by law enforcement reports. He had claimed he runs a company with s couple hundred employees, which after fact checking, he doesn’t. He has threatened shootouts with police, yet he claimed to have worked with the FBI, and the Cobb County Sheriff’s Department. Both, after fact checking, were lies. He also claimed he had graduated from the University of Georgia. Which here again, after being fact checked, he has never graduated from ANY college. Seriously, do we really need someone like this in the Senate? W was it hall these lies, he claims to be a ‘born again Christian’. I doubt that very seriously. The man can’t differentiate a lie from the truth. Sound familiar, like maybe the last president we just suffered through?
During his debate with his opponent, Reverend Warnock, he claimed to be a law enforcement officer, and produced a badge claiming to be a law enforcement officer. After fact checking this, it was learned that he had been presented with that “Honorary Deputy” badge. Which is nothing but an item that should be kept in the trophy case. It has no law enforcement powers. Nothing.
Actually, being a retired law enforcement officer of over 29 years of service, I’m embarrassed that he’s claiming this, and not being charged for impersonating a law enforcement officer. That’s a crime.
Just with these two alone, in Georgia and Pennsylvania, do we really want them representing us? Our needs. It’s doubtful if Hershel Walker can even read the law book and understand anything in it. Can’t you just imagine what the state of Georgia will have the next 6 years with Hershel Walker and Marjorie Taylor Greene representing it in Congress? Absolutely nothing.
The moral to all this is really simple. Every vote counts. Study the candidates and form your own, truthful, opinion. Vote for the candidate you feel will represent YOU in office. Not representing Trump, or any other idiot. Or be a candidate that will just fill up a chair and vote as he’s told to vote by others. Heaven forbid, we have enough of that going on already.