How many more must die at the hand of a delusional person that has gotten their hands on a firearm! No student, person, must fear walking out of their home, or classroom.
Are you kidding me! Three more souls lost. FOR WHAT? Just so some jerk-off delusional fool can get his hands on a weapon and walk into a school and start shooting!
Another senseless shooting tragedy! How many more must die at the hands of someone wielding a weapon of mass destruction before our legislators, and Congress, figure out that they need to quit taking all the big donor money from the National Rifle Association (NRA), and other big lobbying groups that they all have in their pockets.
This nation has more guns per capita in the public than weapons that have been issued to our military.
There’s been more mass shootings this year than any other year in the history of this country.
There’s been more deaths by gun violence in this nation this year than any other year in the history of this nation.
What is it going to take to stop this carnage?
I have said this so many times, written so many letters to our state congressmen, congresswomen, state legislators, governor, and all I get back is a damn computer generated letter. It’s not even signed by them. The damn signatures are even computer generated.
When will they learn?
How many have to die?
When will they listen to someone that’s handled firearms all their career, dealt with these scenarios, trained for them, as well as trained thousands of others for these scenarios?
President Biden has tried to get certain weapons pulled off the market. He’s tried to tighten down the purchasing of any firearm. He’s tried to make real significant changes to the Gun Law in this nation. BUT…..we have a Congress that’s hell bent to now down to groups like the NRA. Heaven forbid pissing off a member of the NRA!!!
Well, I’m PISSED OFF! I’m a card carrying member of the NRA! And, I no longer have a firearm in my home! Not one!
I have some suggestions for our illustrious ignorant Congress folks:
A. Make the waiting period minimum 30 days before the purchased weapon can be picked up.
B. Redo the form to purchase the weapon. Ask important questions, not just “Yes” “No” questions.
C. Ask questions requiring written answers. If the person can’t read or write, he doesn’t beed a damn gun, of any type!
D. Have the form faxed immediately to the local, county, state, and federal law enforcement agencies. City police, county law enforcement, state highway patrol, state law enforcement agencies-firearms division, and all arrest records divisions. Federal agencies such as ATF, FBI, and yes, even the Secret Service.
That form must be checked fully by all agencies for any type of criminal activity, background, everything. By the time they all are finished this purchaser will think he’s had a proctologist examination!
During the 30 day waiting period, the applicant must be required to take a federal firearms safety class, passing it with a minimum of 95% on the final examination. They also must be required to have full, complete examinations from a psychologist, psychiatrist appointed by the federal government.
Any and all fees for the records checks from all agencies, training classes, as well as the examinations by the psychiatrist and psychologists will be paid for by the purchaser of the firearm.
Once all this is complete, then, if they have passed everything satisfactorily, they may be allowed to pick up their firearm.
As for the firearms that can be sold. All “weapons of mass destruction” shall be banned immediately to sell. Those currently owned shall not be allowed to be sold privately, at any Gun Show, or any other method. Once the owner passes away, the weapon will be destroyed by the proper authorities.
No “long gun” shall be sold to the public that can hold over 3 rounds of ammunition in either tube, or magazine.
No “side arm”, “pistol”, “revolver”, shall be manufactured to be sold to the public to hold over 6 rounds in either chambers or magazine.
No weapon device(s) shall be manufactured, sold to the public, which has the capability to convert any firearm into an “automatic firing” firearm.
No “machine gun”, “automatic firing”, type firearm shall be allowed to be sold to the general public, under any circumstances.
When a firearm is purchased, and received, by the purchaser. After completion of the 30 day waiting period, all classes, examinations, background checks have been completed, and fully paid for, the purchaser shall be allowed to receive the firearm. There shall be an additional 10 day work g period before the purchaser may buy ammunition for the firearm. To purchase ammunition, the purchaser must complete a form to purchase said ammunition. What weapons will be used in. Serial numbers. When the weapon was purchased. Where it was purchased. And, of course, all pertinent personal information.
The dealer will immediately fax this questionnaire to all authorities where it, again, shall be certified to allow purchase of the ammunition, especially checking that he hadn’t picked up a firearm at one gun shop then went to another to buy ammunition.
Do these sound strict? I hope so. They are intended to be strict. Something has to be done, and damn quick!
I'm with you 100% on this.
Daniel, in a country where you have more guns than people, gun control can only go so far, do so much. Guns are a part of culture in the US.
With the glorification of violence on television, movies, video games, online,
Everywhere you go you have guns being pushed on you, its almost like drugs.
There is also a very very disturbing trend, and that trend is the use of arms to attack places of worship, schools, universities. None are safe nowhere is safe.
This scourge strikes at all social and economic levels, from poor to the wealthy, race is not a factor, it crosses between races, all religions.
I could go on
Just saying.....