Fraudster is Gone!
George Santos has been voted out, finally! Learn who voted to allow him to stay.
Santos is the 6th Representative to be expelled by the House of Representatives.
The House of Representatives made history today, in more ways than one. First, they voted to expel George Santos by more than the necessary 2/3s vote to oust him. They voted first his expulsion even though he hasn’t been convicted of any crimes, yet. This hasn’t been done since the Civil War.
As we all know, Santos was elected under fraudulent means. He lied on his application for ejection. He has lied about his education. He has lied about his mother being in one of the towers on September 11th, when it was learned afterward she wasn’t even in this country at that time. He lied about his religious background, claiming to be Jewish, and that his grandparents were escapees of the Holocaust.
The real damage, was when the Ethics Committee investigation was released. Thousands of pages were accrued of evidence against George Santos. Republican Representatives were completely dumbfounded at the amount of evidence of criminal acts, wrongdoing, that had been committed by this individual, all in the course of a year! Some of them were quoted as saying “this is the worst, most damning, report we’ve ever seen.” Santos was expelled by a vote of 311-114. He actually walked out of the chamber prior to the vote being completed, and, his office locks were changed, and his name removed from his office, before he got to his awaiting vehicle! Talk about prompt action!
Now, let’s take a gander at who voted to keep him in his position. This must us compiled from Washington Post article. I’ll include the link to the full article at the end. I highly recommend checking it out.
This list is if those that voted NOT to expel Santos, as well as those that voted PRESENT, and those that DID NOT VOTE at all. These Representatives, to me, are ones that need serious consultation about the Constitution, and what it truly means to take an Oath of Office. Especially to be an elected official of the United States of America!🇺🇸
Opposes 114
Mark Alford Mo.
Jodey Arrington Tex.
Brian Babin Tex.
Jim Baird Ind.
Jim Banks Ind.
Aaron Bean Fla.
Andy Biggs Ariz.
Gus M. Bilirakis Fla.
Dan Bishop N.C.
Lauren Boebert Colo.
Mike Bost Ill.
Josh Brecheen Okla.
Vern Buchanan Fla.
Tim Burchett Tenn.
Eric Burlison Mo.
Kat Cammack Fla.
Jerry L. Carl Ala.
John Carter Tex.
Ben Cline Va.
Michael Cloud Tex.
Andrew S. Clyde Ga.
Mike Collins Ga.
Eli Crane Ariz.
Warren Davidson Ohio
Scott DesJarlais Tenn.
Byron Donalds Fla.
Jeff Duncan S.C.
Tom Emmer Minn.
Mike Ezell Miss.
Pat Fallon Tex.
Brad Finstad Minn.
Michelle Fischbach Minn.
Scott Fitzgerald Wis.
C. Fleischmann Tenn.
Russell Fry S.C.
Russ Fulcher Idaho
Matt Gaetz Fla.
Mike Gallagher Wis.
Bob Good Va.
Lance Gooden Tex.
Paul A. Gosar Ariz.
Sam Graves Mo.
M. Taylor Greene Ga.
H. Morgan Griffith Va.
Harriet Hageman Wyo.
Andy Harris Md.
Diana Harshbarger Tenn.
Kevin Hern Okla.
Clay Higgins La.
French Hill Ark.
Bill Huizenga Mich.
Wesley Hunt Tex.
Darrell Issa Calif.
Ronny Jackson Tex.
Mike Johnson La.
Jim Jordan Ohio
Trent Kelly Miss.
David Kustoff Tenn.
Doug LaMalfa Calif.
Doug Lamborn Colo.
Laurel Lee Fla.
Debbie Lesko Ariz.
Barry Loudermilk Ga.
Blaine Luetkemeyer Mo.
Anna Paulina Luna Fla.
Morgan Luttrell Tex.
Nancy Mace S.C.
Thomas Massie Ky.
Brian Mast Fla.
Michael McCaul Tex.
Tom McClintock Calif.
Rich McCormick Ga.
Patrick T. McHenry N.C.
Carol Miller W.Va.
Mary E. Miller Ill.
Cory Mills Fla.
John Moolenaar Mich.
Alex Mooney W.Va.
Barry Moore Ala.
Troy E. Nehls Tex.
Ralph Norman S.C.
Andy Ogles Tenn.
Gary Palmer Ala.
Scott Perry Pa.
Bill Posey Fla.
Guy Reschenthaler Pa.
Mike D. Rogers Ala.
M. Rosendale Mont.
Chip Roy Tex.
M. Salazar Fla.
George Santos N.Y.
Steve Scalise La.
Keith Self Tex.
Pete Sessions Tex.
Adrian Smith Neb.
Jason T. Smith Mo.
Victoria Spartz Ind.
Elise Stefanik N.Y.
Greg Steube Fla.
Dale Strong Ala.
Claudia Tenney N.Y.
Tom Tiffany Wis.
William Timmons S.C.
Michael R. Turner Ohio
Beth Van Duyne Tex.
Derrick Van Orden Wis.
Tim Walberg Mich.
Michael Waltz Fla.
Randy Weber Tex.
Roger Williams Tex.
Joe Wilson S.C.
Rob Wittman Va.
R. Scott Va. (D)
Nikema Williams Ga. (D)
Present 2
Al Green Tex. (D)
Jonathan Jackson Ill. (D)
Did not vote 8
E. Crawford Ark.
Bill Johnson Ohio
Mike Kelly Pa.
Kevin McCarthy Calif.
C. McMorris Rodgers Wash.
Sheila Jackson Lee Tex. (D)
A. Ocasio-Cortez N.Y. (D)
Dean Phillips Minn. (D)
Here is the link to this article:
Now, I made an attempt to contact some of the Democratic Representatives on this list today. I learned, in rather quick fashion, that these representatives are not allowed to discuss things with people that live outside of their districts. So, that posed a problem for me.
Do we write letters to all of them demanding to know why they voted as they did? Will they even read the letter, or just throw it away and send us back a computer generated response?
No matter what they do. There’s one way we can get their attention. We can campaign to NOT get them reelected!
In attempting to contact reps on other matters, I learned as well that one must be a member of their district when offering an opinion. Or so says their detailed websites. Surely there is a national “clearinghouse “ if you will to take calls from disenchanted “consumers”, we the voters who have fools for reps. Ideas, anyone? Since the Speaker is a Christian Nationalist Fascist who takes Russian money, I would not trust him with a message. And certainly not the presidency, as he is now second in line which I find terrifying. He was also an instigator of the insurrection. My feeling is he is filling a chair waiting for the imminent government shutdown after the holidays when most folks feeling a sense of false security have spent funds they may not have if they are compromised when BUDGETS ARE NEVER PASSED. TAKE NOTICE.
He really is! And a veteran who campaigns on his being a veteran. Yet, when tRump called them "suckers and losers", was aware of the bounties placed on soldiers' heads, etc., Gallagher remained silent! I wrote to him often asking him to speak out as a veteran and a Rep, but he didn't and I never received a reply. He was on national news recently complaining about our National RR Museum allowing a Satanic Temple's tree into their 66 tree display (displaying all religions, ethnicities, and a tree for transgender people - aghast at the fact that the RR Museum would do that and he would never take a child there. He spent time on national tv about a freaking tree because he literally had nothing to say about what he, as a WI Rep had done for the people of his district and state. Because he has done nothing! But can't go on tv and talk about his president disparaging our military - as a veteran. And again... running unopposed.