Eerily, you’ve mirrored my exact thoughts, from who Trump disgustingly is to the weapon breakdown and finally the shooter and Secret Service. I’m not a conspiracy theorist,I know the failings of maintaining a conspiracy. But as I witnessed the shooting, my mind jumped to “staged” immediately. There’s still something about the ear grab and subsequent “hit the deck” move that looked awkward or ill-rehearsed. This man has to be stopped. There’s nothing he won’t do to achieve his goal which is to rule over us all like a king.
Keith, I’m no ‘conspiracy theorists’ by a long shot. I’ll be the first to admit in the beginning, right after this happened, I wasn’t looking at this in the way my conclusion came out. But as I studied the images, videos, and seeing him with that little patch stick on his ear! That looks foolish!
We could get it on tape & slow it down to look closer mayber. I agree about the ear grab. Who does that. All you do it get down. Who the hell would jump up screaming "fight" like an asshat? Nobody. It does look staged. What is the excuse of the media for not investigating & why aren't those so-called "agents" being investigated. Then that Crowd Strike thing happened & I thought...that better not affect the election. That stuff makes me uncomfortable. We are dealing with a corrupt murdering, lying, fascist, criminal who will do anything to win. Has he paid the NYT off, or are they happy to do the attacks/lies on Biden. We know Politico will do it for free & they have...a lot of lies about the claims of people saying to step down. This has to stop.
I will tell you, the agents are being scrutinized to the inth degree. They are all being grilled by the Secret Service, FBI, investigators into each of their responsibilities, duties, actions, even their training record. Their off duty hours will be scrutinized to see if they had done anything to finish their responsibilities, response times, etc. These agents will be questioned more than Trump will. The blame has been put on them that he has been ‘shot’. I believe that Trump is his worst enemy.
As for the deaths and injured. Trump doesn’t care about them either. Look at the deaths of January 6th. Five people died as a result of that day. Trump doesn’t care, and right now, with the Supreme Court ruling on his immunity, he may never see a courtroom to answer for the countless charges against him, which none of them are affiliated with Murder charges.
I have seen wounds from an assault weapon. There’s no such thing as a nick from that type of weapon, the ear and part of his head would have been gone and there was no blood dripping from his head or his hand and his hair was perfect!
As have I, Cynthia. I have fired this type weapon, instructed the firing of this weapon, and treated people hit with this weapon, most of which went on to meet their maker. It’s a dangerous weapon. As you said, a ‘nick’ with this is an impossible task. Especially the upper ear! A ‘highly trained, skilled, sharpshooter/sniper might be able to make that shot, but an inexperienced 20 year old… way in hell!
They made a lot of errors too. They said the shooter was angry because he couldn't be in a gun club & couldn't shoot straight...ok so how did he get that close to shooting Trump then? They must've erased his social media presence then claimed...he didn't have social media. I'll tell you something else really heart went out to that boy when a kid that knew him described how he was bullied every day by people & I said a prayer for him. All my sympathy immediately went to him & I've never felt that way after a shooting incident. I don't know, but I am so sick the right wing fascists playing games with people & destroying lives so they can get & keep power.
How many 20 year olds do you know that has no social media contact at all? I don’t know anyone that hadn’t been, or is, on some form of social media. This kid, even though he was bullied in school, wasn’t living in a damn bubble.
Bottom line, we are not being told the truth about this investigation. I’m almost convinced if that. There’s a lot being held back from the public and I do not understand why. The shooter is dead. There’s no charges to be against him. So tell the damn truth to the public.
Here again we come to the old adage “no one is above the law, unless your name is Donald J. Trump and you have control of everything you do and can do as you wish!”
That's why I questioned that. Did they scrub his footprint off of the internet? Then they claim it wasn't political, after trying to blame Dems. Dems don't shoot people to win elections...Dems are the ones that get shot & taken out, historically.
I know they aren't telling the story. For this & this alone, no one should vote republican, because if they can't be transparent about something that happened on camera, than why would you trust they'd tell the truth about anything? They have been doing this & getting away with it for decades. I'm so sick of this. The CIA is trying to rewrite history & claim Bill Clinton caused 9-11, not Bush or the scum that actually caused it. I'm sick of the CIA trying to manipulate us too. I tire of "special people" that get special KIng Orange. The DOJ & the courts bending over backwards to "show how democracy works" made them look weak. I know anyone that has money can use delay tactics etc..., but the world was watching. Fulton county judge looked like a buffoon for what he did to Faune Willis.
You must have law enforcement genes in your family, WhateverLolawantsLolagets!
You want to see ‘cover-up’ check this CNN video out. It will answer a LOT of questions! The one thing I say when I watched it was “where’s the damage from the AR-15 bullet???”
I will save the gun information. Thank you for sharing in such detail. Suffice to say, an AR-15 bullet would have taken his ear completely off with no place to hang a bandage. Looking at the photo, like you did, I see a perfect ear with blood smeared on it. I wonder what the attending physicians at the hospital thought? Apparently not much, since we’ve heard nothing from them. My opinion: Completely staged.
Exactly. And we won’t hear anything from them, or anyone else. Plus, you can bet he’ll milk this eat patch for as long as he can to keep money, sympathy flowing his way. And he’ll nit have to show his ear. I bet he disappears from sight another 8 or 10 days before the patch comes off. Then we’ll see an almost pristine ear.
Like you said. The bullet, even ‘grazing’ his ear, would have caused extensive damage to his upper ear.
And his brain if not the skull as well. As I read from other doctors who call BS: even IF his skull was not damaged (which is unlikely), his brain would still be. With a bullet grazing like this from a gun you describe we would have seen much more damage than just the ear even.
Very correct. If he would’ve been struck by this bullet as he claims, a lot more damage would’ve happened to his upper ear. It’s all cartilage, blood vessels and skin. Bleeds like a stuck hog if cut. I know this from personal experience.
There’s no way in hell this happened. His shirt and jacket would’ve been covered in blood, he wouldn’t have been doing his fist bump “fight, fight, fight” yelling. He’d been holding his ear hoping it was still part of his skull, as it was pouring blood down his cheek and face. And, he’d been in way to much pain to do any climbing or telling.
I knew something was very wrong with the whole bs narrative. Then reTHUGs desperate to win at all costs started blaming Dems hoping that that would stick. It didn't. Trump Jr. hasn't said much, but the other lying creep Eric has a whole pathetic memorized story because he is sure to tell it the same way, but he'll mess up eventually.
Who's job is it to determine foul play? We have people killed for this stunt. If it's up to the state & they're reTHUGs they'll keep it covered, but if it's Milwaukee that could be a problem.
Very correct. Just remember, in his first administration he placed over 238 justices in positions across the country. Plus the 3 he placed on the SCOTUS. Since then, his ‘cult base’ that still thinks he’s the president have elected and gotten into office their people in key positions in the swing states, and others, like the head of the elections, state attorney generals, and the like. Look at Texas, Alabama, Florida, Oklahoma, just as a few examples. Look what they have done to the states education, voting rights, women’s rights, everything takes this nation back beyond the ‘good old cowboy days’!!!
That should answer your question. That’s why we have a lot of hard work ahead of us. That’s why I’m so energetic in putting my thoughts out further you folks ti share. I siege my life as a cop and firefighter.
Trump disrespects the law enforcement, disrespects firefighters, and disrespects the United States of America, the Flag, and everything about it. He is a Russian spy, liar, narcissistic sociopath, treasonous traitor, adjudicated rapist and convicted felon. We have had criminals that were executed, or at the least spending the rest of their natural life in prison because of their crimes, which were a hell of a lot less than what he’s been convicted of, or accused of that he hadn’t been to trial for. Hell most likely never see the inside of a jail cell. The bastard!!!
50% of his rise is because of our broken media. We can't keep going like this without a media to ask the right questions & do investigations. How will we do that? Every day the media fall further into the abyss.
Right?! And wouldn’t have gone golfing the next day, that’s a traumatizing ordeal. I know he likes to keep the “tough” guy, but he isn’t and he’s too narcissistic not to care about his life. hHe would’ve been way too scared to be out in public right after that.
Answer a question I’ve ask myself. You have a businessman who’s been the target of a wannabe sniper. This businessman goes the next day to a golf course after being shot the night before and plays a round of golf. While playing golf, a cameraman was able to get close enough to take a picture of him cruising the course in his golf cart. Now, IF this cameraman could get that close on a golf course, wide open golf course, took this picture which I might add had absolutely no secret service agents in the image, what would’ve happened if that camera had been a rifle instead?
Was Trump thinking?
Where was his detail?
It had only been hours since he had an attempt on his life. He shouldn’t have been out of the damn house, let alone on a wide open golf course!!!
trump isn’t calling the shots, (no pun intended), Putin bought and paid for him. Demonstrably, there is no one on the trump traitor team able to adroitly navigate US law to derail justice, fund SCOTUS acquisitions, direct global disinformation campaigns while managing the Civilization Ending Event known as trump’s Project 2025. Putin wages a decades-long campaign to exploit US and western countries’ vulnerabilities using cyber warfare and pandemic to disrupt infrastructure, domestic terrorist groups and sleeper cells. trump’s election in 2016 was the catalyst.
As is most incidents like this. Examples: JFK shooting, Bobby Kennedy shooting, Martin Luther King shooting, Vietnam war, Afghanistan invasion and war.
Something you hadn’t mentioned is the size of the cartridge (amount of gunpowder) and the travel and velocity of the projectile due to the enormous amount of gunpowder. To be “nicked” by that projectile? The odds are astronomical.
The reader n I didn’t mention that is I truly don’t know. Snd, to my knowledge, the FBI hadn’t released that information as well as showing the actual weapon used. They are keeping all thus investigation really close to the vest. Not letting the public know anything.
There’s such a variation of cartridges which could’ve been used. He could’ve loaded his own. So the amount of powder, bullet type, nothing, is truly known.
I try not to make any comments on anything I haven’t had opportunity to at least check out to draw my own opinion. Too much of that going on already.
Thanks for this article, Todd. I wish I’d had these 3-D drawings and stuff when I was teaching a firearms class.
I’ve seen chest wounds from the AR-15. Bad stuff. Hit the guy in the heart and literally blew his heart out of his chest. MST of the man’s spine was shattered too.
What attending physicians at what hospital? His weirdo pill popping Dr. Senator dude had control his medical? None of this makes any sense. Especially when that slim guy at Msnbc that reports from Washington said Trump had "his ear almost blown off". So they are steadily exaggerating the effects, but we all saw it & he stupidly jumped to the camera. It's now photographic evidence. If this is staged....we are looking at a sh*t-load of crimes, including murder or reckless homicide.
Great questions. At first glance, when this happened last Saturday, looking at the film when they were trying to get him off stage, it appeared his upper ear had been shot off. That’s what I thought, at first look. Then I began looking into this a bit. It’s just my nature. Something about it stunk to me and I couldn’t resist.
Just a few minutes ago, I saw this video from CNN. It’s quite interesting, but Trump is holding one of his ‘send me money’ rallies. He’s not wearing an ear patch. On my phone, I’m straining to see any damage to his ear that was caused by this rifle bullet. I don’t see any!
Why does he get to choose his own doctor, who is sketchy, unprofessional & a liar & also now a Senator? I mean, shouldn't the FBI be involved? The Secret Service that are involved with Trump I don't trust. The ones around him were involved in the so-called "accidental" erasing of all evidence on all of their phones J6. Plus a number of them were involved in JFK murder, along with CIA, Dulles, Bush, Angelton, Cayce, Hunt et al.
So the S.S. tells us that the shooter has no social media. They tell us that he had dates of both Biden & Trump rallies, so it wasn't political. We never hear from the heart-broken parents, never even see them, hear who their boy was etc.. This is not how it's done right out the gate.
Trump is not the president. He doesn't get to control the investigation. He is sick enough to stage this just to win the election & he is playing the media like a fiddle. He is doing exactly what he did in 2016 & press still can't get it through their noggins that yes...same stuff...still happening. He even messed with poll numbers & they wonder why we don't trust the polls. Am I the only one that remembers Cohn saying how Trump had him find an IT person to hack the polls in 2016 to inflate his numbers. Gee that was only a few short months ago & they still can't connect the dots. We need a new media...we really don't have one. Then you have Obama coming after Biden. He's a piece of work too.
The physicians cannot legally say anything because of HIPAA, without trump's written permission. Not even that he was in their hospital. Nor can any employee of the hospital without losing their job.
But investigators can tell us what happened. That's what is missing.
Exactly, Kai. But, the FBI is heading this investigation since a Secret Service agent fired his weapon and killed the supposed perpetrator. Secret Service cannot do their own investigation only. An outside agency must do it. Since it’s Federal Government, the only one left that can do that is the FBI.
The FBI has never been known to release any information about their investigations. It’s a bad habit of theirs. They’ve been that was as far back as I can remember. J. Edgar Hoover days.
Not far fetched. There’s no way this wasn’t set up by trump. A couple of additional items: his email begging for money before the event stating that “all hell will break loose in an hour”, and I know you mentioned it but ZERO info from the medical professionals who “treated” him. Also, they had the shooter’s ID within minutes, even though he had no ID on him.
LDass, the identification isn’t difficult. Portable fingerprint scanner will do the trick. We will never hear from the medical staff. That’s a gimme when it comes to Trump.
As far as his comment about @all hell breaking lose”, kind of reminded me if January 6th all over again.
He also described the 'bullet wound' as "the largest mosquito bite" to RFK jr. He made a joke about, maybe even he knows the other guy's father was actually assassinated. Remember, too, the marketing message for this outdoor rally (why always outdoors? So he doesn't have pay for an expensive indoor venue.)
I'm not as certain that Trump set it up, but if it was set up, it was more likely handled by another party who coordinated for & with Trump. Trump never does this stuff himself.
The fact that we are discussing whether the orange one set up the assassination attempt or not, says a lot about the moron who would be president. I too was struck by his reaction to just having been fired upon, he stands up waving his fist. WTF? Anyone else would have scurried into that armored vehicle ASAP. This was a major security failure. It was said that Biden selected his own SS detail back in 2020. I can see why.
We are in the same page, Jack. These agents practice this maneuver almost daily. It’s ’muscle memory’ to them. In thus case, they have a protectee who’s not cooperative. The agent to his side which kept holding his arm above Trump should’ve pushed him back down as he kept climbing above the woman agent to get above and in front of them all. I’m afraid d the conversation I’d be having with Mr. Trump wouldn’t be a pretty one at all. He will do as we say it he won’t have a detail. I’m not going to subject my agents to die needlessly for a piece of 💩 that refuses to follow orders, or protocol.
He sure is not cooperative. Nobody can tell him what to do at this point. You are right his behavior puts himself and everyone else in mortal danger. Vote Blue!
Entirely plausible. I said from the start it was a fishy deal. Head wounds bleed like crazy. The “blood” coagulated in mere seconds. Real blood doesn’t do that.
Yep, what ‘blood’ there was. Looked like jelly to me. Or the ‘fake blood’. I couldn’t get over no blood at all on his shirt, or jacket. That’s impossible!!!
I had no knowledge of the gun-I’ve never held a gun of any kind in my life-thank you for this info. And I gotta say-I’ve had the same questions-from the shooter being seen beforehand to his exposed head and the photo op to raise an arm and call for “fight” to the lack of medical explanation post event. It’s all too fishy and it smells. Fundraising, martyrdom, God’s supposed intervention-I don’t believe there’s anything authentic about that man other than his focus on self and commitment to hatred. Two dead? He won’t care. Thx, Daniel-I respect your opinion and feel a little less weird about my skepticism.
Thank you for sharing this. I’ve had this unsettled feeling about the shooting all week. Things just don’t seem to fit the narrative we’re getting. So it’s nice to know I’m not the only one who has these suspicions.
I agree. Pence will not have anything to do with him, just like the rest of the cabinet he had in his administration. None if them are endorsing him. They all know what he is, and what he’s capable of.
And if he wins, we all doomed anyway! They can’t possibly torture me more than I have been. And if they do, oh well, I’m dying anyhow. They won’t get much.
Great research, Daniel! We sickly elders must entertain ourselves, to a purpose is better than just waiting. I recall seeing photos of blood splatter on the front of his shirt, photo not available to me at present, but there was not a lot; speckles and runny, color was odd to me; more like an orange than your photo. Recall he said at the event it was more like a bad mosquito bite. Makes no sense that secret service did not respond quickly when attendees pointed out the young man on the lower roof. He had just graduated 2 weeks prior from junior college. Why would he risk getting killed? I wondered why he was not positioned for a kill shot with a brace of some kind to steady the gun for accuracy. It’s like he got off, was it three shots? Have seen nowhere diagrams of where those who were shot were sitting in relation to TFG. We’ve already been told no medical info will be forthcoming….HIPPA YOU KNOW. Interesting believable theory but I would think his dementia would require an asset to work this out; doubt he is able to do the critical thinking required. You are likely correct that it was staged; an investigation was ordered by Biden as I recall. Wonder if we will ever know. I’m still looking into the JFK real assassination; to understand what happened. I know the Warren Commission was faked. I read and write a great deal too to keep my head busy; the rest of me is mobility impaired. Take care; stay engaged. We care about you! 😘
You are a sweetheart, Judith. I appreciate your input all the time. You have the same thoughts as I on this. I too have been looking into the JFK assassination, burial, everything about it. That’s a “whole nother story” as they say. Right down to his burial at sea off the naval warship with Jackie aboard.
Good day to you, Daniel! I thought JFK, Sr. was buried at Arlington with Jackie and 2 of their children, the eternal flame and all. I knew JFK, Jr. was buried at sea with his wife and her sister after crashing his private plane after dark attempting to reach Hyannis Port. He was not yet instrument rated and their scheduled departure was delayed because the sister was late arriving. It was a tragedy of judgment. Had he been wiser, he would have delayed the departure until daylight. Or is the burial of JFK, Sr. at Arlington a hoax too so that facts never come to light? Let me know what you think when able. I typed too much yesterday so will be taking a break over the weekend. Enjoy it as best you can. I have a devoted cat curled around my neck; great companion, one of two. So will check back another time. Hugs! Hang in there. We’re not finished yet! 😘
JFK’s casket, ‘OFFICIAL’ burial is at Arlington, where people can go there and see his grave. But, after he was shot in November ‘63, he was transported to the Naval Hospital, put in the top floor with a private staff which only entered and left by one elevator. He was the only patient on that floor, and none of the doctors or nurses were employed by the hospital. All of his medical staff were private hires.
He was visited regularly by his wife, Jackie, who was caught on camera by a reporter from LIFE Magazine. He took photos of her entering and leaving the hospital almost daily, and each day going to the top floor. He observed the elevator and caught images of some of the staff which entered and left by the same elevator. One of them finally talked to him one day and actually got him a picture of the patient, invalid, in coma state, on the top floor. The patient was President Kennedy. After his death, none of the medical staff were ever seen, or heard from, again.
After he died, his body was taken by a Naval ship out to sea and he was actually buried at sea with a full Naval burial. Jackie was also on the ship for this. Photos were captured of her getting aboard the ship as well as leaving. There were also images of the body being taken onboard before departure.
At one time, I had all of these magazines, and images. With the accompanying story that was written about it. LIFE Magazine went out of business after that, and the reason why is probably evident. Everyone thought they had made up all this and ‘doctored’ the images.
But, now, there’s no way to prove anything because everyone involved in this caper is deceased, and the story, images, everything about it have vanished. Even from the LIFE Magazine archives. It’s kind it never happened!
Everything in your post and the commentary I agree with wholeheartedly. I grew up in Bethel Park, PA. I know exactly where Crooks lived. Nice neighborhood, quiet community.
I know that bullying programs in public schools are a waste of time as I’m also a retired teacher.
I believe every word that Crooks was recruited by evil people to do their dirty work. Take a loner, make him infamous!
I believe Putin/Orban hatched this plan and Trump loved it! The shear wickedness was irresistible! We can see more aberrant behavior coming.
Corey Comperatore’s funeral was yesterday. People are seriously injured, no matter, they sure fooled us, huh?.
The giant ear bandage was just ludicrous. People imitating it was bizarre.
You’d think with all the guns the Republican Party represents, someone would at least figure out what Daniel researched.
Is it possible the MAGA party is so brainwashed no one can see the obvious?
Karen. I hate being short here, but the short answer to your query is “yes, people are gullible” especially after being hypnotized, mesmerized, or whatever we desire to call it.
Trump knows exactly what he’s doing when he speaks. His first 20 minutes of that speech was his rewritten speech. All in his monotone voice, low, slow, like a hypnotist uses in his therapy sessions. After the crowd began ‘nodding off’ Trump went back to his old style speaking, continuing his monotone voice but spewing his lies and rhetoric. His threats, and violence speech.
He’s building his army in all the swing states. He knows he’s going to lose this election and his army nationwide is geared up to fight to take the country back for him at all cost.
They have no tanks, no fighter jets, just a bunch of racist, wannabe town Shirts—they’re going to lose. But guess what? We have our great US Military!! They just have long, stringy unwashed hair and a dreadful sartorial sty. El Amarillo said so! Fuck ‘em. Wish that it was an actual success. Damn it!!
Have no fear, Laura. We shall put him down like a rabid animal on Election Day. Hopefully for good. After we defeat him in the ballot box, then the courts can take over and have their way with him. Either way, he’s through!
I suspect it would be easy to search social media and to discreetly enquire at schools, etc as Security weeks ahead of the rally, to find enough targets for exploration & recruitment outreach. They narrow down to 3 possibilities, ramp up to the next level of recruitment, following familiar models, and pick the final 2. They test 'em a bit, find the willing idiot, and send him up the ladder. I think it's VERY plausible that that he was told to shoot, spree style, over the heads of the attendees. Wasn't it 8 shots fired by the guy? I don't believe they would have put the crowd shots in his inexperienced hands, much less a shot that supposedly was captured on someone's phone (is that plausible?). Not many people would have to know, including the sniper who shot the shooter.
If this is ever genuinely analyzed, we'll never know the results.
I believe he only got off 3 shots after the officer spooked him on the roof. Then the sniper had him scoped and fired one shot. The echoing of the shots made it sound to bystanders that it was 8 rounds, and actually 4. I do believe he was to fire above everyone’s head. I believe that was the plan, but, he was scared after the officer tried to get to him on that roof and he had to turn and fire quickly. He didn’t even take time to sight properly.
Now that’s my guess, and unfortunately, a good man lost his life and two others seriously injured. Plus, the shooter was killed. I wish I had the opportunity to question him. A lot of answers could’ve been given and learned.
Oh yes, his mysterious doctor with the wrong name. He was interned the other day by a network. I think it was an NBC reporter. I don’t remember what he said exactly. I was busy with my laundry or something. But he didn’t offer any decent perspective to this ‘wound’.
I think I heard the good doctor say that not having examined him, or the injury, he said he was quite fortunate to have God on hhs side.
Isn’t it amazing how God can be brought into a miserable scumbags being here? Trump even talked about God being his reason for surviving the shooting so he could be our next president! 🤮!!!
I think voters need to have the medical records of trump’s injury from the shooting so an informed decision can be made about the condition of the already unfit-for-any-office candidate trump. How’s his hearing? What about his balance? How do these impact his seemingly worsening dementia?
Might he have PTSD? How would PTSD affect trump’s apparent dementia?
This kind of head injury should absolutely require that the medical report explaining the extent and the immediate damage and the risks of permanent impairment for a person running to be president. What treatment was given? Stitches? Or any medications and the effects of those medications.
This might be seen as an invasion of privacy, but this is not just any citizen relying on HIPAA. trump wants to be elected to head the executive branch of the government.
If he has PTSD, it will be from acting stupid, or just plan acting. He’s done nothing to even come close to being diagnosed with PTSD. As for his ear injury, that’s a joke. He as hit with the bullet of an AR-15 model type rifle about as much as I was. His ear appearance at his rally late last week proves that. Only a band-aid and no swelling, injury, scabbing, bruising, visible at all. His complete upper ear fully intact, which, if f it had been hit with that bullet, it wouldn’t even be there!
Daniel, everything you say is completely logical and you are likely very correct in explaining the whole scenario. Everything about 🍊Hitler, child rapist, convicted felon is ALWAYS FRAUDULENT, sneaky, deceitful and his evil expertise in scams that most of us couldn’t even fathom, is most likely another fake creation. Thank you for the superb analysis. 🧐
I'm no "conspiracy theorist," but I watched the WWE for many years, and I know a "work" when I see one - even one as pathetically half-assed as this one.
Pope Buck, I honestly went back to my younger days of watching wrestling. Went to a match that featured Haystack Calhoun (now I’m giving my age for sure) because television hadn’t been out long and my dad couldn’t afford one. He took us boys to the wrestling matches in West Palm Beach every Saturday night.
This match was a particularly blood match. Afyer it was over, when both wrestlers left the ring, they walked right by us back up the aisle. Haystack had long hair and in his hair we could see little plastic things hanging in the bloodied area. Afterwards I ask my dad what those little pieces of plastic were in his head. He told me those were what they called ‘blood packets’. When they were hit, they break open and the blood in them goes out over the wrestler making the fight more real. Dad told us that those wrestlers were professional performers and very rarely were hurt really. He said they would be bruised but rarely be seriously injured.
That was my last wrestling match I ever saw. After that, I had nothing to do with them. Ever they were all staged fights. To me it was a waste of money, just like professional football and baseball are today. I refuse to watch them because if the disrespect shown to the American 🇺🇸 flag.
Anyway, that was my introduction to the ‘fake blood packet’ and that’s exactly what I thought of when I saw his hand snd ear.
Here’s something else interesting. This image from just the other day when Trump held one of his ‘send me money’ rallies. Notice anything strange? I’m including the video link where I got this image too.
I found it odd that he was talking about some chart, or whatever it was ‘graphic’ he was referring to, but the television camera never showed that. It stayed on him. Even a wide-range shot of the stage after he went down where they showed all the agents rushing in to cover him didn’t even show a big screen, or anything else. That’s what I thought was odd as hell.
The entire thing was odd. That’s one reason I felt thus was all staged.
Eerily, you’ve mirrored my exact thoughts, from who Trump disgustingly is to the weapon breakdown and finally the shooter and Secret Service. I’m not a conspiracy theorist,I know the failings of maintaining a conspiracy. But as I witnessed the shooting, my mind jumped to “staged” immediately. There’s still something about the ear grab and subsequent “hit the deck” move that looked awkward or ill-rehearsed. This man has to be stopped. There’s nothing he won’t do to achieve his goal which is to rule over us all like a king.
Keith, I’m no ‘conspiracy theorists’ by a long shot. I’ll be the first to admit in the beginning, right after this happened, I wasn’t looking at this in the way my conclusion came out. But as I studied the images, videos, and seeing him with that little patch stick on his ear! That looks foolish!
We could get it on tape & slow it down to look closer mayber. I agree about the ear grab. Who does that. All you do it get down. Who the hell would jump up screaming "fight" like an asshat? Nobody. It does look staged. What is the excuse of the media for not investigating & why aren't those so-called "agents" being investigated. Then that Crowd Strike thing happened & I thought...that better not affect the election. That stuff makes me uncomfortable. We are dealing with a corrupt murdering, lying, fascist, criminal who will do anything to win. Has he paid the NYT off, or are they happy to do the attacks/lies on Biden. We know Politico will do it for free & they have...a lot of lies about the claims of people saying to step down. This has to stop.
I will tell you, the agents are being scrutinized to the inth degree. They are all being grilled by the Secret Service, FBI, investigators into each of their responsibilities, duties, actions, even their training record. Their off duty hours will be scrutinized to see if they had done anything to finish their responsibilities, response times, etc. These agents will be questioned more than Trump will. The blame has been put on them that he has been ‘shot’. I believe that Trump is his worst enemy.
As for the deaths and injured. Trump doesn’t care about them either. Look at the deaths of January 6th. Five people died as a result of that day. Trump doesn’t care, and right now, with the Supreme Court ruling on his immunity, he may never see a courtroom to answer for the countless charges against him, which none of them are affiliated with Murder charges.
Has Trump called the family of the firefighter that was killed? Biden tried but the guy’s wife wouldn’t take the call.
Active measures incoming.
I have seen wounds from an assault weapon. There’s no such thing as a nick from that type of weapon, the ear and part of his head would have been gone and there was no blood dripping from his head or his hand and his hair was perfect!
As have I, Cynthia. I have fired this type weapon, instructed the firing of this weapon, and treated people hit with this weapon, most of which went on to meet their maker. It’s a dangerous weapon. As you said, a ‘nick’ with this is an impossible task. Especially the upper ear! A ‘highly trained, skilled, sharpshooter/sniper might be able to make that shot, but an inexperienced 20 year old… way in hell!
They made a lot of errors too. They said the shooter was angry because he couldn't be in a gun club & couldn't shoot straight...ok so how did he get that close to shooting Trump then? They must've erased his social media presence then claimed...he didn't have social media. I'll tell you something else really heart went out to that boy when a kid that knew him described how he was bullied every day by people & I said a prayer for him. All my sympathy immediately went to him & I've never felt that way after a shooting incident. I don't know, but I am so sick the right wing fascists playing games with people & destroying lives so they can get & keep power.
How many 20 year olds do you know that has no social media contact at all? I don’t know anyone that hadn’t been, or is, on some form of social media. This kid, even though he was bullied in school, wasn’t living in a damn bubble.
Bottom line, we are not being told the truth about this investigation. I’m almost convinced if that. There’s a lot being held back from the public and I do not understand why. The shooter is dead. There’s no charges to be against him. So tell the damn truth to the public.
Here again we come to the old adage “no one is above the law, unless your name is Donald J. Trump and you have control of everything you do and can do as you wish!”
That's why I questioned that. Did they scrub his footprint off of the internet? Then they claim it wasn't political, after trying to blame Dems. Dems don't shoot people to win elections...Dems are the ones that get shot & taken out, historically.
I know they aren't telling the story. For this & this alone, no one should vote republican, because if they can't be transparent about something that happened on camera, than why would you trust they'd tell the truth about anything? They have been doing this & getting away with it for decades. I'm so sick of this. The CIA is trying to rewrite history & claim Bill Clinton caused 9-11, not Bush or the scum that actually caused it. I'm sick of the CIA trying to manipulate us too. I tire of "special people" that get special KIng Orange. The DOJ & the courts bending over backwards to "show how democracy works" made them look weak. I know anyone that has money can use delay tactics etc..., but the world was watching. Fulton county judge looked like a buffoon for what he did to Faune Willis.
You must have law enforcement genes in your family, WhateverLolawantsLolagets!
You want to see ‘cover-up’ check this CNN video out. It will answer a LOT of questions! The one thing I say when I watched it was “where’s the damage from the AR-15 bullet???”
My thoughts too
I will save the gun information. Thank you for sharing in such detail. Suffice to say, an AR-15 bullet would have taken his ear completely off with no place to hang a bandage. Looking at the photo, like you did, I see a perfect ear with blood smeared on it. I wonder what the attending physicians at the hospital thought? Apparently not much, since we’ve heard nothing from them. My opinion: Completely staged.
Exactly. And we won’t hear anything from them, or anyone else. Plus, you can bet he’ll milk this eat patch for as long as he can to keep money, sympathy flowing his way. And he’ll nit have to show his ear. I bet he disappears from sight another 8 or 10 days before the patch comes off. Then we’ll see an almost pristine ear.
Like you said. The bullet, even ‘grazing’ his ear, would have caused extensive damage to his upper ear.
And his brain if not the skull as well. As I read from other doctors who call BS: even IF his skull was not damaged (which is unlikely), his brain would still be. With a bullet grazing like this from a gun you describe we would have seen much more damage than just the ear even.
Very correct. If he would’ve been struck by this bullet as he claims, a lot more damage would’ve happened to his upper ear. It’s all cartilage, blood vessels and skin. Bleeds like a stuck hog if cut. I know this from personal experience.
There’s no way in hell this happened. His shirt and jacket would’ve been covered in blood, he wouldn’t have been doing his fist bump “fight, fight, fight” yelling. He’d been holding his ear hoping it was still part of his skull, as it was pouring blood down his cheek and face. And, he’d been in way to much pain to do any climbing or telling.
I knew something was very wrong with the whole bs narrative. Then reTHUGs desperate to win at all costs started blaming Dems hoping that that would stick. It didn't. Trump Jr. hasn't said much, but the other lying creep Eric has a whole pathetic memorized story because he is sure to tell it the same way, but he'll mess up eventually.
Who's job is it to determine foul play? We have people killed for this stunt. If it's up to the state & they're reTHUGs they'll keep it covered, but if it's Milwaukee that could be a problem.
Very correct. Just remember, in his first administration he placed over 238 justices in positions across the country. Plus the 3 he placed on the SCOTUS. Since then, his ‘cult base’ that still thinks he’s the president have elected and gotten into office their people in key positions in the swing states, and others, like the head of the elections, state attorney generals, and the like. Look at Texas, Alabama, Florida, Oklahoma, just as a few examples. Look what they have done to the states education, voting rights, women’s rights, everything takes this nation back beyond the ‘good old cowboy days’!!!
That should answer your question. That’s why we have a lot of hard work ahead of us. That’s why I’m so energetic in putting my thoughts out further you folks ti share. I siege my life as a cop and firefighter.
Trump disrespects the law enforcement, disrespects firefighters, and disrespects the United States of America, the Flag, and everything about it. He is a Russian spy, liar, narcissistic sociopath, treasonous traitor, adjudicated rapist and convicted felon. We have had criminals that were executed, or at the least spending the rest of their natural life in prison because of their crimes, which were a hell of a lot less than what he’s been convicted of, or accused of that he hadn’t been to trial for. Hell most likely never see the inside of a jail cell. The bastard!!!
50% of his rise is because of our broken media. We can't keep going like this without a media to ask the right questions & do investigations. How will we do that? Every day the media fall further into the abyss.
Right?! And wouldn’t have gone golfing the next day, that’s a traumatizing ordeal. I know he likes to keep the “tough” guy, but he isn’t and he’s too narcissistic not to care about his life. hHe would’ve been way too scared to be out in public right after that.
As any normal person would.
Answer a question I’ve ask myself. You have a businessman who’s been the target of a wannabe sniper. This businessman goes the next day to a golf course after being shot the night before and plays a round of golf. While playing golf, a cameraman was able to get close enough to take a picture of him cruising the course in his golf cart. Now, IF this cameraman could get that close on a golf course, wide open golf course, took this picture which I might add had absolutely no secret service agents in the image, what would’ve happened if that camera had been a rifle instead?
Was Trump thinking?
Where was his detail?
It had only been hours since he had an attempt on his life. He shouldn’t have been out of the damn house, let alone on a wide open golf course!!!
trump isn’t calling the shots, (no pun intended), Putin bought and paid for him. Demonstrably, there is no one on the trump traitor team able to adroitly navigate US law to derail justice, fund SCOTUS acquisitions, direct global disinformation campaigns while managing the Civilization Ending Event known as trump’s Project 2025. Putin wages a decades-long campaign to exploit US and western countries’ vulnerabilities using cyber warfare and pandemic to disrupt infrastructure, domestic terrorist groups and sleeper cells. trump’s election in 2016 was the catalyst.
There are even photos of him golfing shortly after with no bandage at all.
Yes! This has been successfully swept under the rug!
As is most incidents like this. Examples: JFK shooting, Bobby Kennedy shooting, Martin Luther King shooting, Vietnam war, Afghanistan invasion and war.
Something you hadn’t mentioned is the size of the cartridge (amount of gunpowder) and the travel and velocity of the projectile due to the enormous amount of gunpowder. To be “nicked” by that projectile? The odds are astronomical.
The reader n I didn’t mention that is I truly don’t know. Snd, to my knowledge, the FBI hadn’t released that information as well as showing the actual weapon used. They are keeping all thus investigation really close to the vest. Not letting the public know anything.
There’s such a variation of cartridges which could’ve been used. He could’ve loaded his own. So the amount of powder, bullet type, nothing, is truly known.
I try not to make any comments on anything I haven’t had opportunity to at least check out to draw my own opinion. Too much of that going on already.
I think you may find this article interesting:
Thanks for this article, Todd. I wish I’d had these 3-D drawings and stuff when I was teaching a firearms class.
I’ve seen chest wounds from the AR-15. Bad stuff. Hit the guy in the heart and literally blew his heart out of his chest. MST of the man’s spine was shattered too.
You’re welcome.
Before I read that article I hadn’t realized how destructive, and why it’s so destructive, that type of weapon and ammunition is.
What attending physicians at what hospital? His weirdo pill popping Dr. Senator dude had control his medical? None of this makes any sense. Especially when that slim guy at Msnbc that reports from Washington said Trump had "his ear almost blown off". So they are steadily exaggerating the effects, but we all saw it & he stupidly jumped to the camera. It's now photographic evidence. If this is staged....we are looking at a sh*t-load of crimes, including murder or reckless homicide.
Great questions. At first glance, when this happened last Saturday, looking at the film when they were trying to get him off stage, it appeared his upper ear had been shot off. That’s what I thought, at first look. Then I began looking into this a bit. It’s just my nature. Something about it stunk to me and I couldn’t resist.
Just a few minutes ago, I saw this video from CNN. It’s quite interesting, but Trump is holding one of his ‘send me money’ rallies. He’s not wearing an ear patch. On my phone, I’m straining to see any damage to his ear that was caused by this rifle bullet. I don’t see any!
Why does he get to choose his own doctor, who is sketchy, unprofessional & a liar & also now a Senator? I mean, shouldn't the FBI be involved? The Secret Service that are involved with Trump I don't trust. The ones around him were involved in the so-called "accidental" erasing of all evidence on all of their phones J6. Plus a number of them were involved in JFK murder, along with CIA, Dulles, Bush, Angelton, Cayce, Hunt et al.
So the S.S. tells us that the shooter has no social media. They tell us that he had dates of both Biden & Trump rallies, so it wasn't political. We never hear from the heart-broken parents, never even see them, hear who their boy was etc.. This is not how it's done right out the gate.
Trump is not the president. He doesn't get to control the investigation. He is sick enough to stage this just to win the election & he is playing the media like a fiddle. He is doing exactly what he did in 2016 & press still can't get it through their noggins that yes...same stuff...still happening. He even messed with poll numbers & they wonder why we don't trust the polls. Am I the only one that remembers Cohn saying how Trump had him find an IT person to hack the polls in 2016 to inflate his numbers. Gee that was only a few short months ago & they still can't connect the dots. We need a new media...we really don't have one. Then you have Obama coming after Biden. He's a piece of work too.
The physicians cannot legally say anything because of HIPAA, without trump's written permission. Not even that he was in their hospital. Nor can any employee of the hospital without losing their job.
But investigators can tell us what happened. That's what is missing.
Exactly, Kai. But, the FBI is heading this investigation since a Secret Service agent fired his weapon and killed the supposed perpetrator. Secret Service cannot do their own investigation only. An outside agency must do it. Since it’s Federal Government, the only one left that can do that is the FBI.
The FBI has never been known to release any information about their investigations. It’s a bad habit of theirs. They’ve been that was as far back as I can remember. J. Edgar Hoover days.
Not far fetched. There’s no way this wasn’t set up by trump. A couple of additional items: his email begging for money before the event stating that “all hell will break loose in an hour”, and I know you mentioned it but ZERO info from the medical professionals who “treated” him. Also, they had the shooter’s ID within minutes, even though he had no ID on him.
LDass, the identification isn’t difficult. Portable fingerprint scanner will do the trick. We will never hear from the medical staff. That’s a gimme when it comes to Trump.
As far as his comment about @all hell breaking lose”, kind of reminded me if January 6th all over again.
He also described the 'bullet wound' as "the largest mosquito bite" to RFK jr. He made a joke about, maybe even he knows the other guy's father was actually assassinated. Remember, too, the marketing message for this outdoor rally (why always outdoors? So he doesn't have pay for an expensive indoor venue.)
I'm not as certain that Trump set it up, but if it was set up, it was more likely handled by another party who coordinated for & with Trump. Trump never does this stuff himself.
Here’s his “largest mosquito bite”! What a joke. He once again played his cult. I wonder how much money he made off this hoax?
The fact that we are discussing whether the orange one set up the assassination attempt or not, says a lot about the moron who would be president. I too was struck by his reaction to just having been fired upon, he stands up waving his fist. WTF? Anyone else would have scurried into that armored vehicle ASAP. This was a major security failure. It was said that Biden selected his own SS detail back in 2020. I can see why.
We are in the same page, Jack. These agents practice this maneuver almost daily. It’s ’muscle memory’ to them. In thus case, they have a protectee who’s not cooperative. The agent to his side which kept holding his arm above Trump should’ve pushed him back down as he kept climbing above the woman agent to get above and in front of them all. I’m afraid d the conversation I’d be having with Mr. Trump wouldn’t be a pretty one at all. He will do as we say it he won’t have a detail. I’m not going to subject my agents to die needlessly for a piece of 💩 that refuses to follow orders, or protocol.
He sure is not cooperative. Nobody can tell him what to do at this point. You are right his behavior puts himself and everyone else in mortal danger. Vote Blue!
Entirely plausible. I said from the start it was a fishy deal. Head wounds bleed like crazy. The “blood” coagulated in mere seconds. Real blood doesn’t do that.
Yep, what ‘blood’ there was. Looked like jelly to me. Or the ‘fake blood’. I couldn’t get over no blood at all on his shirt, or jacket. That’s impossible!!!
I had no knowledge of the gun-I’ve never held a gun of any kind in my life-thank you for this info. And I gotta say-I’ve had the same questions-from the shooter being seen beforehand to his exposed head and the photo op to raise an arm and call for “fight” to the lack of medical explanation post event. It’s all too fishy and it smells. Fundraising, martyrdom, God’s supposed intervention-I don’t believe there’s anything authentic about that man other than his focus on self and commitment to hatred. Two dead? He won’t care. Thx, Daniel-I respect your opinion and feel a little less weird about my skepticism.
Thank you for sharing this. I’ve had this unsettled feeling about the shooting all week. Things just don’t seem to fit the narrative we’re getting. So it’s nice to know I’m not the only one who has these suspicions.
I’d never put anything past Trump! Nothing ‼️
Yeah, that's why Mike Pence disowned him. Good Theory.
I agree. Pence will not have anything to do with him, just like the rest of the cabinet he had in his administration. None if them are endorsing him. They all know what he is, and what he’s capable of.
If he loses, you'll get a security clearance and they'll probably torture you to death as well because That's how America rewards its patriots.
And if he wins, we all doomed anyway! They can’t possibly torture me more than I have been. And if they do, oh well, I’m dying anyhow. They won’t get much.
Great research, Daniel! We sickly elders must entertain ourselves, to a purpose is better than just waiting. I recall seeing photos of blood splatter on the front of his shirt, photo not available to me at present, but there was not a lot; speckles and runny, color was odd to me; more like an orange than your photo. Recall he said at the event it was more like a bad mosquito bite. Makes no sense that secret service did not respond quickly when attendees pointed out the young man on the lower roof. He had just graduated 2 weeks prior from junior college. Why would he risk getting killed? I wondered why he was not positioned for a kill shot with a brace of some kind to steady the gun for accuracy. It’s like he got off, was it three shots? Have seen nowhere diagrams of where those who were shot were sitting in relation to TFG. We’ve already been told no medical info will be forthcoming….HIPPA YOU KNOW. Interesting believable theory but I would think his dementia would require an asset to work this out; doubt he is able to do the critical thinking required. You are likely correct that it was staged; an investigation was ordered by Biden as I recall. Wonder if we will ever know. I’m still looking into the JFK real assassination; to understand what happened. I know the Warren Commission was faked. I read and write a great deal too to keep my head busy; the rest of me is mobility impaired. Take care; stay engaged. We care about you! 😘
You are a sweetheart, Judith. I appreciate your input all the time. You have the same thoughts as I on this. I too have been looking into the JFK assassination, burial, everything about it. That’s a “whole nother story” as they say. Right down to his burial at sea off the naval warship with Jackie aboard.
Good day to you, Daniel! I thought JFK, Sr. was buried at Arlington with Jackie and 2 of their children, the eternal flame and all. I knew JFK, Jr. was buried at sea with his wife and her sister after crashing his private plane after dark attempting to reach Hyannis Port. He was not yet instrument rated and their scheduled departure was delayed because the sister was late arriving. It was a tragedy of judgment. Had he been wiser, he would have delayed the departure until daylight. Or is the burial of JFK, Sr. at Arlington a hoax too so that facts never come to light? Let me know what you think when able. I typed too much yesterday so will be taking a break over the weekend. Enjoy it as best you can. I have a devoted cat curled around my neck; great companion, one of two. So will check back another time. Hugs! Hang in there. We’re not finished yet! 😘
JFK’s casket, ‘OFFICIAL’ burial is at Arlington, where people can go there and see his grave. But, after he was shot in November ‘63, he was transported to the Naval Hospital, put in the top floor with a private staff which only entered and left by one elevator. He was the only patient on that floor, and none of the doctors or nurses were employed by the hospital. All of his medical staff were private hires.
He was visited regularly by his wife, Jackie, who was caught on camera by a reporter from LIFE Magazine. He took photos of her entering and leaving the hospital almost daily, and each day going to the top floor. He observed the elevator and caught images of some of the staff which entered and left by the same elevator. One of them finally talked to him one day and actually got him a picture of the patient, invalid, in coma state, on the top floor. The patient was President Kennedy. After his death, none of the medical staff were ever seen, or heard from, again.
After he died, his body was taken by a Naval ship out to sea and he was actually buried at sea with a full Naval burial. Jackie was also on the ship for this. Photos were captured of her getting aboard the ship as well as leaving. There were also images of the body being taken onboard before departure.
At one time, I had all of these magazines, and images. With the accompanying story that was written about it. LIFE Magazine went out of business after that, and the reason why is probably evident. Everyone thought they had made up all this and ‘doctored’ the images.
But, now, there’s no way to prove anything because everyone involved in this caper is deceased, and the story, images, everything about it have vanished. Even from the LIFE Magazine archives. It’s kind it never happened!
Everything in your post and the commentary I agree with wholeheartedly. I grew up in Bethel Park, PA. I know exactly where Crooks lived. Nice neighborhood, quiet community.
I know that bullying programs in public schools are a waste of time as I’m also a retired teacher.
I believe every word that Crooks was recruited by evil people to do their dirty work. Take a loner, make him infamous!
I believe Putin/Orban hatched this plan and Trump loved it! The shear wickedness was irresistible! We can see more aberrant behavior coming.
Corey Comperatore’s funeral was yesterday. People are seriously injured, no matter, they sure fooled us, huh?.
The giant ear bandage was just ludicrous. People imitating it was bizarre.
You’d think with all the guns the Republican Party represents, someone would at least figure out what Daniel researched.
Is it possible the MAGA party is so brainwashed no one can see the obvious?
Karen. I hate being short here, but the short answer to your query is “yes, people are gullible” especially after being hypnotized, mesmerized, or whatever we desire to call it.
Trump knows exactly what he’s doing when he speaks. His first 20 minutes of that speech was his rewritten speech. All in his monotone voice, low, slow, like a hypnotist uses in his therapy sessions. After the crowd began ‘nodding off’ Trump went back to his old style speaking, continuing his monotone voice but spewing his lies and rhetoric. His threats, and violence speech.
He’s building his army in all the swing states. He knows he’s going to lose this election and his army nationwide is geared up to fight to take the country back for him at all cost.
They have no tanks, no fighter jets, just a bunch of racist, wannabe town Shirts—they’re going to lose. But guess what? We have our great US Military!! They just have long, stringy unwashed hair and a dreadful sartorial sty. El Amarillo said so! Fuck ‘em. Wish that it was an actual success. Damn it!!
Brown shirts…
Have no fear, Laura. We shall put him down like a rabid animal on Election Day. Hopefully for good. After we defeat him in the ballot box, then the courts can take over and have their way with him. Either way, he’s through!
I suspect it would be easy to search social media and to discreetly enquire at schools, etc as Security weeks ahead of the rally, to find enough targets for exploration & recruitment outreach. They narrow down to 3 possibilities, ramp up to the next level of recruitment, following familiar models, and pick the final 2. They test 'em a bit, find the willing idiot, and send him up the ladder. I think it's VERY plausible that that he was told to shoot, spree style, over the heads of the attendees. Wasn't it 8 shots fired by the guy? I don't believe they would have put the crowd shots in his inexperienced hands, much less a shot that supposedly was captured on someone's phone (is that plausible?). Not many people would have to know, including the sniper who shot the shooter.
If this is ever genuinely analyzed, we'll never know the results.
I believe he only got off 3 shots after the officer spooked him on the roof. Then the sniper had him scoped and fired one shot. The echoing of the shots made it sound to bystanders that it was 8 rounds, and actually 4. I do believe he was to fire above everyone’s head. I believe that was the plan, but, he was scared after the officer tried to get to him on that roof and he had to turn and fire quickly. He didn’t even take time to sight properly.
Now that’s my guess, and unfortunately, a good man lost his life and two others seriously injured. Plus, the shooter was killed. I wish I had the opportunity to question him. A lot of answers could’ve been given and learned.
I think all we need to know is apparently the “wound” was overseen by Ronny Jackson.
Oh yes, his mysterious doctor with the wrong name. He was interned the other day by a network. I think it was an NBC reporter. I don’t remember what he said exactly. I was busy with my laundry or something. But he didn’t offer any decent perspective to this ‘wound’.
I think I heard the good doctor say that not having examined him, or the injury, he said he was quite fortunate to have God on hhs side.
Isn’t it amazing how God can be brought into a miserable scumbags being here? Trump even talked about God being his reason for surviving the shooting so he could be our next president! 🤮!!!
I think voters need to have the medical records of trump’s injury from the shooting so an informed decision can be made about the condition of the already unfit-for-any-office candidate trump. How’s his hearing? What about his balance? How do these impact his seemingly worsening dementia?
Might he have PTSD? How would PTSD affect trump’s apparent dementia?
This kind of head injury should absolutely require that the medical report explaining the extent and the immediate damage and the risks of permanent impairment for a person running to be president. What treatment was given? Stitches? Or any medications and the effects of those medications.
This might be seen as an invasion of privacy, but this is not just any citizen relying on HIPAA. trump wants to be elected to head the executive branch of the government.
If he has PTSD, it will be from acting stupid, or just plan acting. He’s done nothing to even come close to being diagnosed with PTSD. As for his ear injury, that’s a joke. He as hit with the bullet of an AR-15 model type rifle about as much as I was. His ear appearance at his rally late last week proves that. Only a band-aid and no swelling, injury, scabbing, bruising, visible at all. His complete upper ear fully intact, which, if f it had been hit with that bullet, it wouldn’t even be there!
Daniel, everything you say is completely logical and you are likely very correct in explaining the whole scenario. Everything about 🍊Hitler, child rapist, convicted felon is ALWAYS FRAUDULENT, sneaky, deceitful and his evil expertise in scams that most of us couldn’t even fathom, is most likely another fake creation. Thank you for the superb analysis. 🧐
Thanks, Joanne. I’m just trying to throw out my thoughts on what I see. Especially with someone like 🍓🍊💩🤡🤮!
Haha, gotcha. 🤣
I'm no "conspiracy theorist," but I watched the WWE for many years, and I know a "work" when I see one - even one as pathetically half-assed as this one.
Pope Buck, I honestly went back to my younger days of watching wrestling. Went to a match that featured Haystack Calhoun (now I’m giving my age for sure) because television hadn’t been out long and my dad couldn’t afford one. He took us boys to the wrestling matches in West Palm Beach every Saturday night.
This match was a particularly blood match. Afyer it was over, when both wrestlers left the ring, they walked right by us back up the aisle. Haystack had long hair and in his hair we could see little plastic things hanging in the bloodied area. Afterwards I ask my dad what those little pieces of plastic were in his head. He told me those were what they called ‘blood packets’. When they were hit, they break open and the blood in them goes out over the wrestler making the fight more real. Dad told us that those wrestlers were professional performers and very rarely were hurt really. He said they would be bruised but rarely be seriously injured.
That was my last wrestling match I ever saw. After that, I had nothing to do with them. Ever they were all staged fights. To me it was a waste of money, just like professional football and baseball are today. I refuse to watch them because if the disrespect shown to the American 🇺🇸 flag.
Anyway, that was my introduction to the ‘fake blood packet’ and that’s exactly what I thought of when I saw his hand snd ear.
Here’s something else interesting. This image from just the other day when Trump held one of his ‘send me money’ rallies. Notice anything strange? I’m including the video link where I got this image too.
I can't tell if there is anything wrong with his ear. Looks whole to me.
My point enforced! There’s no way a bullet from this AR-15 rifle hit his ear! Nothing hit his ear. Noting but a fake blood pouch!
Did it also seem odd that he was looking in the direction of the shooter right before the shots? Like he was waiting for it?
I found it odd that he was talking about some chart, or whatever it was ‘graphic’ he was referring to, but the television camera never showed that. It stayed on him. Even a wide-range shot of the stage after he went down where they showed all the agents rushing in to cover him didn’t even show a big screen, or anything else. That’s what I thought was odd as hell.
The entire thing was odd. That’s one reason I felt thus was all staged.
With Trump, there’s nothing too diabolical to be true, especially where it concerns money, ego and power.
Very correct, Bayjh!