We prophesied it would get bad the closer the election came. All stop gaps are being tossed aside in the name of a corrupt former president who doesn’t want to be accountable.

WE can’t be discouraged ever. This is America and needs ( always has) strong people to maintain support for principled equality. We’ve risen to answer the needs time and again. We.Can.Do.This.Again.


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Patricia, you have nailed it. We the people have fought for everything we have. I have no intention of letting this crooked narcissistic sociopathic, lying , sexual adjudicated rapist, and treasonous traitor, not to mention a convicted felon, get away with anything.

He needs to be incarcerated in a prison cell or insane asylum. One or the other. It would be a lot easier if he just died. Then we would be rid of this scum for good!

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Nina Totenberg with NPR, on Rachel Maddow just said that 5 of the 6 conservative justices worked in the WH/DOJ so they sign onto the Unitary Executive theory. Only ACB did not have that experience, thus her dissent in the concurrence.

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Daniel, Does a former White House occupant still get retirement funding and security if he is a multi-count FELON!? If so, death should come after the election he loses again.

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Yes, he does. I said many times here this needs to change. Once convicted, he should lose his $400,000 salary yearly and the Secret Service details protecting him and each member of his family. He’s a convicted felon! My God, treat him as such!!!

Why is Trump getting all this preferential treatment? Now they’ve delayed the sentencing until September 18th! Over two and a half months away! WTF is going on with our judicial system? Have all these justices drank the orange kool-aid? Damn!!! Got e U.S. a frigging break! We need justice to be done, not delayed!

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‘Let them eat cake’ didn’t work for Marie Antoinette and it’s certainly not going to work for this illegitimate pile of so called ‘justices’ that are being bribed to end Democracy.

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I have one question I need to ask.

This Thursday is this nations Independence Day. July 4th. My question is a simple one. Now that this Supreme Court has basically dismantled the Constitution, do we truly have an ‘Independent Nation’ to celebrate? Rights have been stripped from women. The president can commit crimes, under the pretext of his duties, and he gets total immunity. Our scientist and professionals who are trained, educated, in anything can’t give their opinions on anything any longer unless it’s approved by the Supreme Court, who last I looked were not scientist! Hell, this court are not even justices!

So, looking at the ‘doom and gloom’ this court has bestowed on us, doing away with the Bill of Rights, do we truly have an ‘Independence Day’ to celebrate?

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It would probably be more accurate to ask "How Much Money Did Some on the Supreme Court Make Today?" Because I honestly don't believe they'll split the "tip"evenly.

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Absolutely correct. I doubt the six justices split anything! The three which ruled against the decision didn’t make any money!

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5 out six Republicans on the Supreme Court were involved with Clinton impeachment, which should’ve disqualified them from taking office. This is what happens when we use an electoral college to president was put in place to keep the south when the country was formed.

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As far as I can tell, the Electoral College needs to be abolished. Done away with. We need to have it where the candidate who gets the popular vote wins. Period. As it is now, if the candidate gets 6 or 7 key states, they win. The hell with the feelings of the rest of the country.

Case in point: 2016. Hillary Clinton won the popular vote. Trump took the Electoral College vote and was elected. True, he had a ‘little help’ from his protege in Russia, Putin, which revealed the system could be hacked from outside sources.

We wouldn’t be in this mess if that hadn’t happened. Frumpy would be a memory!

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Excellent point Daniel. We should NEVER have allowed Al Gore to step down from his confirmed win in both popular and electoral. Another SCOTUS atrocity that put us on this path. NEVER, EVER allow republicans into majority and NEVER let a republican rule on investigations of Democrats. This must end now.

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Correct. And sadly, WE are the ones at fault. WE allowed this to happen!!! I do hope that this wakes a hell of a lot of people up!

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