He is beyond grotesque. And so is Musk.

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You definitely have the right, Patty! Two peas 🫛 in a pod!

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Thanks for the compilation of informative videos. They are like booster shots when taken but in some odd way, just as with some booster shots, I find that I will have to take them in small doses over a period of time. There continues to be that nagging thought that after November 5th what if….

One of those thoughts is already known. Millions will cast a vote for fascism. Will that crowd have enough to alter our future within a very short time?

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Exactly, Rally Guy! Why are these people still thinking that Trump is their savior? Why are they falling for this nonsense? He’s just the reason we have been paying exorbitant prices for everything at the grocery store now, and will be until the middle of 2025!

If Trump goes back in he’s promised to raise the Tariffs on everything imported to minimum if 100%! Can you imagine what that will do to food prices, clothing prices, vehicle prices?

People need to realize these tariffs are nothing more than another tax on that product! It’s all going to be absorbed by the consumers who will be buying the products!

Trump is saying he will cut the taxes on social security, wages, and the line. That there will be no tax on that. You know, all that sounds really good, until one sits back and thinks. I personally have not made enough social security income any year I’ve been drawing it to pay taxes on it! I have not paid one penny in income tax on my social security. Do, how the gell is that going to benefit me? And when the price of my groceries more than doubles, because if these tariffs Trump plans to impose, who’s really losing here, and who is really getting rich? It’s not benefiting me, or anyone! All he’s doing is running his mouth, trying to stay out of prison, because he knows when he loses this election, that’s exactly where he’s going!

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