It’s a scary thought but he has said it with an unusual amount of conviction that it merits looking into what’s really behind it. This will not your average election in November.
Very correct, Manuel. This election this November is the most important one in the history of the United States! If we don’t keep Democrats in office, give the Senate and House of Representatives at least a majority, we are screwed!
Trump has a tendency to say out loud things that would benefit his party more if he kept his mouth shut. Fortunately for us .. he can’t help himself. I sense that there is something amiss Something on such a large scale that we cannot imagine.
Daniel, Rachel Maddox on her Monday MSNBC Show Exposed what the MAGA’s Have Up Their Sleeve! They already have 70+ (and counting) MAGA’s in positions in their respective States on Certifying the States Votes AND THEY WILL NOT CERTIFY THE RESULTS for whatever reasons! Once THAT Happens And the Election Can’t Be Called…National Chaos Ensues AND IN STEPS SCOTUS! Trump keeps telling people at rallies that he doesn’t need their votes, He already has enough! He does, EXACTLY 6 is All It Will Take! It Will Be A Repeat of Bush vs Gore in Florida, only on a National Scale!!
IF all this is True, it Won’t Matter How Many Votes Kamala Gets…THE FIX IS IN! It’s Gorilla Warfare. And it’s Stunning in its Evilness!
Plus he keeps saying if he loses there will be a bloodbath. I don’t know what it takes to get someone committed, or locked up without any bond, but to me that’s a threat of bodily harm! He should be in jail, prison, already. Any one if the rest of us ever be found guilty on 34 felony counts wouldn’t leave the damn courthouse to go home. We’d be taken straight to jail and held until sentencing.
Lindsay Graham laughed today on "Face the Nation" after Grandpa said people wouldn't have to vote again in four years. Then Graham said this: SEN. GRAHAM: He's trying to tell the Christian community and anybody else who's listening, the nightmare that we're experiencing will soon be over, give me four more years and I'm gonna ride this ship called America and pass it on to the next generation. We will have democracy, God willing, for a very long time in this country, but what President Trump is trying to tell people, I did it once, I can do it again. These problems can't be solved–
Senator Graham is an idiot that changes as the wind blows. He’s in Trump’s back pocket and kissing his little brown ring every chance he gets. He thinks that will get him reelected.
Just re-listen to Stormy Daniel’s testimony those two days she was on the witness stand. She didn’t pull any punches about Frumpy’s ‘abilities’ or his ‘little package’!
I think that’s why all he does is grab women by their crotch. But then all he cares about is ‘self-satisfaction’. He Durant give a damn about his partner!
SUMMARY and EMPHASIS on Trump Administration Past and Administration Future
Good summary on P25 and extracting some key points. One thing that is important to young people trying to have children is their attempt to use IV fertilization (apologies if I missed it). They seem to believe that they can stick their noses into everyone’s private lives.
The Trump campaign is trying to convince the electoral college that, just like Hungary’s strongman who strangled that country’s democracy, their fat orange clown will be the stabilizing force for America. Even though the USA has been a significantly improving country since Biden was sworn in, they have to convince their people that it is unstable by having them believe that there is a murdering raping crazed terrorist everywhere they go. The cult eats up that misinformation.
Independents, traditional real Republicans and Democrats have to counter with a two prong attack. It has to include a constant continuous barrage about Project 2025 and what it means for the future. The other part is what the demented incompetent did during his term. There can be no doubt of their present intent for our future. MAGAts told the country what they would do with our judicial system and they did it with little opposition from Democrats. Why not believe them now?
The biggest leap occurred when McConnell blocked Garland from being considered for SCOTUS. IF the Democrats had any fortitude they would have never given one vote to any of Trump’s nominees until they had their choice returned that was refused to Obama. I, like many independents believe, have always claimed that Democrats cannot or will not fight until their backs are against the wall and they believe that they might be taking their last breaths.
So now in addition to emphasizing P25 which tells us of their envisioned future there is also Trump’s past pathetic but dangerous attempt to govern which ended with an attempted insurrection. They successfully got the judiciary, had the executive branch for one term but failed to hold because they were unprepared in 2021, and they have half of the legislative branch. Now they want another shot at capturing the Executive branch which will become unrecognizable after a short time if they succeed.
How will they succeed? It started in earnest with the GOP convention where they did all they could to mislead the country. The speakers kept saying that the country and the world was more secure was when #45 was in power. The record says otherwise.
America and the world was more dangerous and chaotic. The annual crime statistics show that from 2017-2020. Our foreign enemies thought Trump was a joke who only needed to be invited to meet with them where they could stroke his narcissistic puerile ego. Remember too that during that time Russia improved its strategic position in the world theater.
If past behavior without intent and efforts to change is any indicator of our future, Americans should be prepared for more chaos. If someone tells you clearly what they will do then there is no reason not to believe it.
On the domestic scene a very serious example of Republican lies is about crime. At the convention they hawked the idea that they would “Make America Safe Again.” Remind Joe Sixpack and the rest of the public that the graphed murder rate under Trump was a hockey stick. “The year-over-year increase in the U.S. murder rate in 2020 was the largest since at least 1905 — and possibly ever.” ( See Pew Research Center)
Then there is #45’s lie about foreign policy. Remember how some convention speakers talked about the world’s conflict’s during those four years. We heard misleading expressions such as: Russia didn’t invade under Trump, and Iran was just hanging on. More lies.
Russia and Iran were never worried about Trump. In 2018 both Russia and Iran attacked American troops. In a short battle Russian mercenaries and their Syrian allies assaulted an American position in northern Syria. It required American forces to use artillery and airstrikes to counterattack. In 2020, Iran launched many missiles at American military positions as a retaliation for killing Qassim Suleimani. The attack injured more than 100+ of our American servicemen.
The GOP tries to score points with the fact that a suicide bomber killed 13 Americans as we departed Afghanistan. They know that Joe Sixpack will have forgotten or never knew about Trump’s order to withdraw from Syria. He showed no conscience about abandoning our Kurdish allies. This also created a power vacuum which Russia never hesitated to fill. Anyone else remember those videos filmed by Russians when they occupied Russians an abandoned American base?
The Trump strategy to win this time is to get the vote of what some are calling the sentimental or nostalgia people. It will have to be countered by constant campaigning (marketing) about P2025 and what life was like during the #45 term.
We have seen over recent years the attention span, knowledge base and memory of the average American voter. Millions seem to have forgotten the bad times in Trump’s term or excuse his failures such as the handling of COVID. Just the fact that it was a term that began with low crime rates but ended with the worst murder spike in generations with the Capitol under siege should be enough to make them understand that their future is in jeopardy.
Americans with some life experiences should know that a short memory can be valuable sometimes, but when it comes to voting it can make you very susceptible to lies, fraud, despair, loss and many other debilitating disturbing forces.
Rally Guy, you have me at a loss for words. You have taken what I’ve been trying to say in my last few posts and co denser it all in one spot. Outstanding!
I’m currently working on a posts about P2025. The ‘thing’ that Frumpy knows nothing about. Yet, he, and Putin, just happen to select a Vice President running mate that’s involved in it up to his neck.
As for Frumpy’s last term, people don’t remember a damn thing. They don’t remember:
1. The justices which he had approved and assigned to every level of the judicial system all across the country. All of them (238) were in key positions, and every one of them were ‘his’ people from The Heritage Foundation. Plus he had the 3 put on SCOTUS. Making it favorable to him. He had all this planned right from the start.
2. The ‘embargo’ which was put on everything being shipped into the country, and the fees that companies across the ponds had to pay to ship things in, or even receive shipped items.
3. People don’t remember the empty grocery shelves his very first year because the trade agreements with every single nation we traded with was unable to ship into the U.S. and we couldn’t ship anything to them. Farmers list the total income, their crops, farms, homes, everything . There was over 10,000 farmers that lost everything thanks to Trump breaking the trade agreements. Groceries, perishables, were dumped into the oceans when it rotted on the ships. Animals were dumped into the oceans when they died from starvation on the ships.
4. Small businesses, grocery stores, small town businesses, all went bankrupt when they were not able to get goods to sell. They lost everything. Grocery shelves were empty.
5. After he re-established the trade agreements with the other countries, he had it set up where the countries and companies had to pay the fees to export to the United States. That’s when the shelves were filled, again, and the prices we consumers had to pay went through the roof.
President Biden has said I don’t know his many times that the fees levied on the other nations and companies importing into us will not start coming off or stopping until 2025. Trump actually set it up that way. To cause the economy to tank. It almost worked!
6. I forgot one thing. When these farmers list their farms, going into foreclosure, he actually had people go and buy the land at Pennie’s on the dollar at the land auctions so he could put up his buildings, or resell the land at a premium value.
7. Trump accomplished not one damn thing for the working class people. The middle and lower class people had to pay higher taxes, while the rich skated, taking in cash very breath they took.
Daniel, very good summary of what the Fat Orange Clown (aka the FOCer) did to the economy. I didn’t have as much detail in my memory bank and some of it I had either forgotten completely or did not have an awareness. I tend to concentrate on the social and behavioral issues because of my interests and academic studies.
May I suggest, since you did a column on The FOCer’s future plans that you do one that essentially would be “those who forget history are doomed to repeat it”? Use your bits on the economy and feel free to blend ithem with anything I had gathered. Under your authorship, perhaps also send it to the DNC and as many (D) Senators and House members as you view as holding the power reins.
Favorite d, you speak some powerful words here. I wish people would just quit listening to Trump, and the media would quit carrying everything he dies every day. He farts, we have to hear about it.
You are correct about one thing. If he goes back in office, his first day of his dictatorship he’ll back this country’s history up well over 150 years. There’s not a doubt in my mind about that.
He means exactly what he says about no more voting, ever. Think about this. He’s 78. He has three sons and a daughter, all except one of them has families of their own. If he’s the dictator, even he dyes his son will take over and it will just keep going in the Trump Cult Communist organization forever.
Now, I’m going to make a stab at your questions you ask:
How do we yell fire in a theater so that it doesn’t get people killing each other, but gets everyone to safety?
Honestly, you can’t. My dad used to have a saying on the farm he used quite regularly. “You can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make him drink.” If you think about that, oripke are the exact same way. We can tell all of them they have been scammed, screwed over, lied to, and cheated out of their money. Yet, they refuse to listen to the truth and stick with their ‘leader’. Hell, they still think he’s their president!
How do we tell the rest of our families and friends that this threat to our nation is real, without them discounting our words as those of a lunatic?
We can’t, it, like I’m trying to do here in Albany. If I can get one person a day, just one, to “see the light” and change they’re mind, then they go and talk to others doing the same, eventually the pyramid will build to enormous size and success. That’s what we all are trying to accomplish. We just have to keep the faith, and keep talking to people.
And, yes, there are those ‘hard core’ MAGA Cultists which can’t get saved. They will regret their decision one day.
Imagine that!!! You just proved why I used that image! I still say he used a ‘blood pak’ on his ear! He was shit about like I was that day! NOT!!!
It’s a scary thought but he has said it with an unusual amount of conviction that it merits looking into what’s really behind it. This will not your average election in November.
Very correct, Manuel. This election this November is the most important one in the history of the United States! If we don’t keep Democrats in office, give the Senate and House of Representatives at least a majority, we are screwed!
Trump has a tendency to say out loud things that would benefit his party more if he kept his mouth shut. Fortunately for us .. he can’t help himself. I sense that there is something amiss Something on such a large scale that we cannot imagine.
He is planning another January 6th incident. Only this time he’s got more cultist involved. It’s going to be bad when he gets his ass cut in November.
Daniel, Rachel Maddox on her Monday MSNBC Show Exposed what the MAGA’s Have Up Their Sleeve! They already have 70+ (and counting) MAGA’s in positions in their respective States on Certifying the States Votes AND THEY WILL NOT CERTIFY THE RESULTS for whatever reasons! Once THAT Happens And the Election Can’t Be Called…National Chaos Ensues AND IN STEPS SCOTUS! Trump keeps telling people at rallies that he doesn’t need their votes, He already has enough! He does, EXACTLY 6 is All It Will Take! It Will Be A Repeat of Bush vs Gore in Florida, only on a National Scale!!
IF all this is True, it Won’t Matter How Many Votes Kamala Gets…THE FIX IS IN! It’s Gorilla Warfare. And it’s Stunning in its Evilness!
Plus he keeps saying if he loses there will be a bloodbath. I don’t know what it takes to get someone committed, or locked up without any bond, but to me that’s a threat of bodily harm! He should be in jail, prison, already. Any one if the rest of us ever be found guilty on 34 felony counts wouldn’t leave the damn courthouse to go home. We’d be taken straight to jail and held until sentencing.
There's a reason for the term "Jesus freaks."
Lindsay Graham laughed today on "Face the Nation" after Grandpa said people wouldn't have to vote again in four years. Then Graham said this: SEN. GRAHAM: He's trying to tell the Christian community and anybody else who's listening, the nightmare that we're experiencing will soon be over, give me four more years and I'm gonna ride this ship called America and pass it on to the next generation. We will have democracy, God willing, for a very long time in this country, but what President Trump is trying to tell people, I did it once, I can do it again. These problems can't be solved–
Senator Graham is an idiot that changes as the wind blows. He’s in Trump’s back pocket and kissing his little brown ring every chance he gets. He thinks that will get him reelected.
It also begs of the question of what Grandpa knows about Lindsay that is so damning.
Very true. What’s the 🍓🍊💩🤡🤮got written in his little black book about Graham?
THATS not a Secret according to some High Class Call “Girls” in the Gay Community.
Just re-listen to Stormy Daniel’s testimony those two days she was on the witness stand. She didn’t pull any punches about Frumpy’s ‘abilities’ or his ‘little package’!
I think that’s why all he does is grab women by their crotch. But then all he cares about is ‘self-satisfaction’. He Durant give a damn about his partner!
Guess you were busy great article. Trumps signature appears 321 times on the pages of Project 2025, yet he’s didn’t know anything about it.
Ha! Yep, says that lying sack of excrement! Again, he opens his mouth to utter a few words, and just cannot help himself. He is a chronic liar!
SUMMARY and EMPHASIS on Trump Administration Past and Administration Future
Good summary on P25 and extracting some key points. One thing that is important to young people trying to have children is their attempt to use IV fertilization (apologies if I missed it). They seem to believe that they can stick their noses into everyone’s private lives.
The Trump campaign is trying to convince the electoral college that, just like Hungary’s strongman who strangled that country’s democracy, their fat orange clown will be the stabilizing force for America. Even though the USA has been a significantly improving country since Biden was sworn in, they have to convince their people that it is unstable by having them believe that there is a murdering raping crazed terrorist everywhere they go. The cult eats up that misinformation.
Independents, traditional real Republicans and Democrats have to counter with a two prong attack. It has to include a constant continuous barrage about Project 2025 and what it means for the future. The other part is what the demented incompetent did during his term. There can be no doubt of their present intent for our future. MAGAts told the country what they would do with our judicial system and they did it with little opposition from Democrats. Why not believe them now?
The biggest leap occurred when McConnell blocked Garland from being considered for SCOTUS. IF the Democrats had any fortitude they would have never given one vote to any of Trump’s nominees until they had their choice returned that was refused to Obama. I, like many independents believe, have always claimed that Democrats cannot or will not fight until their backs are against the wall and they believe that they might be taking their last breaths.
So now in addition to emphasizing P25 which tells us of their envisioned future there is also Trump’s past pathetic but dangerous attempt to govern which ended with an attempted insurrection. They successfully got the judiciary, had the executive branch for one term but failed to hold because they were unprepared in 2021, and they have half of the legislative branch. Now they want another shot at capturing the Executive branch which will become unrecognizable after a short time if they succeed.
How will they succeed? It started in earnest with the GOP convention where they did all they could to mislead the country. The speakers kept saying that the country and the world was more secure was when #45 was in power. The record says otherwise.
America and the world was more dangerous and chaotic. The annual crime statistics show that from 2017-2020. Our foreign enemies thought Trump was a joke who only needed to be invited to meet with them where they could stroke his narcissistic puerile ego. Remember too that during that time Russia improved its strategic position in the world theater.
If past behavior without intent and efforts to change is any indicator of our future, Americans should be prepared for more chaos. If someone tells you clearly what they will do then there is no reason not to believe it.
On the domestic scene a very serious example of Republican lies is about crime. At the convention they hawked the idea that they would “Make America Safe Again.” Remind Joe Sixpack and the rest of the public that the graphed murder rate under Trump was a hockey stick. “The year-over-year increase in the U.S. murder rate in 2020 was the largest since at least 1905 — and possibly ever.” ( See Pew Research Center)
Then there is #45’s lie about foreign policy. Remember how some convention speakers talked about the world’s conflict’s during those four years. We heard misleading expressions such as: Russia didn’t invade under Trump, and Iran was just hanging on. More lies.
Russia and Iran were never worried about Trump. In 2018 both Russia and Iran attacked American troops. In a short battle Russian mercenaries and their Syrian allies assaulted an American position in northern Syria. It required American forces to use artillery and airstrikes to counterattack. In 2020, Iran launched many missiles at American military positions as a retaliation for killing Qassim Suleimani. The attack injured more than 100+ of our American servicemen.
The GOP tries to score points with the fact that a suicide bomber killed 13 Americans as we departed Afghanistan. They know that Joe Sixpack will have forgotten or never knew about Trump’s order to withdraw from Syria. He showed no conscience about abandoning our Kurdish allies. This also created a power vacuum which Russia never hesitated to fill. Anyone else remember those videos filmed by Russians when they occupied Russians an abandoned American base?
The Trump strategy to win this time is to get the vote of what some are calling the sentimental or nostalgia people. It will have to be countered by constant campaigning (marketing) about P2025 and what life was like during the #45 term.
We have seen over recent years the attention span, knowledge base and memory of the average American voter. Millions seem to have forgotten the bad times in Trump’s term or excuse his failures such as the handling of COVID. Just the fact that it was a term that began with low crime rates but ended with the worst murder spike in generations with the Capitol under siege should be enough to make them understand that their future is in jeopardy.
Americans with some life experiences should know that a short memory can be valuable sometimes, but when it comes to voting it can make you very susceptible to lies, fraud, despair, loss and many other debilitating disturbing forces.
Keep on Truckin’ out the good stuff, Daniel.
Rally Guy, you have me at a loss for words. You have taken what I’ve been trying to say in my last few posts and co denser it all in one spot. Outstanding!
I’m currently working on a posts about P2025. The ‘thing’ that Frumpy knows nothing about. Yet, he, and Putin, just happen to select a Vice President running mate that’s involved in it up to his neck.
As for Frumpy’s last term, people don’t remember a damn thing. They don’t remember:
1. The justices which he had approved and assigned to every level of the judicial system all across the country. All of them (238) were in key positions, and every one of them were ‘his’ people from The Heritage Foundation. Plus he had the 3 put on SCOTUS. Making it favorable to him. He had all this planned right from the start.
2. The ‘embargo’ which was put on everything being shipped into the country, and the fees that companies across the ponds had to pay to ship things in, or even receive shipped items.
3. People don’t remember the empty grocery shelves his very first year because the trade agreements with every single nation we traded with was unable to ship into the U.S. and we couldn’t ship anything to them. Farmers list the total income, their crops, farms, homes, everything . There was over 10,000 farmers that lost everything thanks to Trump breaking the trade agreements. Groceries, perishables, were dumped into the oceans when it rotted on the ships. Animals were dumped into the oceans when they died from starvation on the ships.
4. Small businesses, grocery stores, small town businesses, all went bankrupt when they were not able to get goods to sell. They lost everything. Grocery shelves were empty.
5. After he re-established the trade agreements with the other countries, he had it set up where the countries and companies had to pay the fees to export to the United States. That’s when the shelves were filled, again, and the prices we consumers had to pay went through the roof.
President Biden has said I don’t know his many times that the fees levied on the other nations and companies importing into us will not start coming off or stopping until 2025. Trump actually set it up that way. To cause the economy to tank. It almost worked!
6. I forgot one thing. When these farmers list their farms, going into foreclosure, he actually had people go and buy the land at Pennie’s on the dollar at the land auctions so he could put up his buildings, or resell the land at a premium value.
7. Trump accomplished not one damn thing for the working class people. The middle and lower class people had to pay higher taxes, while the rich skated, taking in cash very breath they took.
Daniel, very good summary of what the Fat Orange Clown (aka the FOCer) did to the economy. I didn’t have as much detail in my memory bank and some of it I had either forgotten completely or did not have an awareness. I tend to concentrate on the social and behavioral issues because of my interests and academic studies.
May I suggest, since you did a column on The FOCer’s future plans that you do one that essentially would be “those who forget history are doomed to repeat it”? Use your bits on the economy and feel free to blend ithem with anything I had gathered. Under your authorship, perhaps also send it to the DNC and as many (D) Senators and House members as you view as holding the power reins.
Thanks for your response l
Excellent idea! I'll get to work on it, and get my research going.
Favorite d, you speak some powerful words here. I wish people would just quit listening to Trump, and the media would quit carrying everything he dies every day. He farts, we have to hear about it.
You are correct about one thing. If he goes back in office, his first day of his dictatorship he’ll back this country’s history up well over 150 years. There’s not a doubt in my mind about that.
He means exactly what he says about no more voting, ever. Think about this. He’s 78. He has three sons and a daughter, all except one of them has families of their own. If he’s the dictator, even he dyes his son will take over and it will just keep going in the Trump Cult Communist organization forever.
Now, I’m going to make a stab at your questions you ask:
How do we yell fire in a theater so that it doesn’t get people killing each other, but gets everyone to safety?
Honestly, you can’t. My dad used to have a saying on the farm he used quite regularly. “You can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make him drink.” If you think about that, oripke are the exact same way. We can tell all of them they have been scammed, screwed over, lied to, and cheated out of their money. Yet, they refuse to listen to the truth and stick with their ‘leader’. Hell, they still think he’s their president!
How do we tell the rest of our families and friends that this threat to our nation is real, without them discounting our words as those of a lunatic?
We can’t, it, like I’m trying to do here in Albany. If I can get one person a day, just one, to “see the light” and change they’re mind, then they go and talk to others doing the same, eventually the pyramid will build to enormous size and success. That’s what we all are trying to accomplish. We just have to keep the faith, and keep talking to people.
And, yes, there are those ‘hard core’ MAGA Cultists which can’t get saved. They will regret their decision one day.