Mass Shootings Killing America
Thirty-seven (37) mass shootings in less than six weeks of 2023. Fifty-eight (58) deceased, one-hundred fifty nine (159) injured!
Folks, this topic has been discussed at nauseam, I know. But, there has GOT to be an answer to this problem. Just exactly what it is, I have no idea. I’m hoping we open a dialog on here hunting for solutions and the right people pay attention and help solve this.
Let’s do a little math here. We have had 37 mass shootings in less than two months of 2023. To be more precise, it’s been 50 days. That’s it. 50 days/37 mass shootings in this country. That’s ludicrous people! That’s one mass shooting every 1.35 days of this year. There’s been 58 people killed and 159 people injured in these mass shootings. That’s a total of 217 people shot all together. That’s an average of 5.87 people shot in each mass shooting! This is totally unacceptable.
Now, think about this. If this keeps going on this average, we’ll lose more people to mass shootings in this country than we do in auto accidents. We will lose more than a lot of cities total population of that respective city. Do you think this is acceptable?
What exactly is a solution. Do guns kill people? Or do people with guns kill people? I’ve heard segments on both sides. If you ask an NRA enthusiast, you’ll hear that it’s not the guns that kill people. It one sense of this argument, that’s true. If you ask a person against guns, they’ll tell you that it’s guns that kill people, and guns need to be eliminated. In this argument, I can see thus argument as viable, also. BUT, let’s be realistic now.
Guns kill people. AND people with guns kill people. IF you take the guns out of hands of people, then people will not be getting killed in mass shootings because they can’t get their hands on guns. If you truly believe this, I have a mountain range in the Everglades I’ll sell you.
People with guns kill people. Now here, we have something to look at, and investigate.
What people with guns kill people in these mass shootings?
Do we truly know what this persons state of mind was who picked up these guns and shot all of these people?
Are the investigations looking into the psychological history of the accused shooter?
When the perpetrator is dead, either by self-inflicted gunshot, or is killed by law enforcement officers, we all know that the law enforcement agencies conduct a thorough investigation. But are thorough investigations conducted by psychologist, or others in the mental medical field to come up with a consensus, a reason, why this shooter picked up a weapon of mass destruction and went crazy shooting people?
Again I say, there has to be a solution. Do we stop the manufacturing and selling of these weapons of mass destruction? If this is a solution, what’s considered a weapon of mass destruction? What articles must be banned that can be purchased so a person can convert a semi-automatic pistol into a weapon of mass destruction. This latest shooting in California. The shooter ‘supposedly’ had a pistol with attachments which converted it into an automatic type rifle, with a 30 round magazine instead of the normal 15 round. This turned it into a weapon of mass destruction. And, California has some of the strictest gun laws in this country. So, just exactly would be the answer?
Toughen the laws where it is more difficult for someone to buy a firearm of this type?
Create laws outlawing the purchase, or possession of items that may be used to convert a semi-automatic weapon into an automatic firing firearm? ( example: bump-stocks)
Require firearms salesmen, gun shops, to not only turn the application for the purchase of the firearm over to local law enforcement for full criminal background, but also require a full psychological background check, and examination by a licensed psychologist prior to this person being able to purchase a firearm of any type. And, have the total cost if the full law enforcement background checks from local, state, and federal as well as the costs of the psychological examination(s) be at the expense of the purchaser.
Also, increase the time from the time of application from three (3) days to thirty (30), sixty (60), or even ninety (90) calendar days to pick up his firearm from the gun shop.
In doing this, it might cut out some of these mass shootings. You never know. But this is my philosophy.
If you make it so expensive, difficult, and time consuming for an individual to buy a firearm of any type, then maybe it will curve some of these shooting incidents. I really don’t know, but before you jump up and holler, remember, I said MAYBE!
Do we need a tracking device/monitor on every firearm sold? Would that help?
No one needs to own one of these. No one should believe they are deprived of any right if they are prohibited. The 2nd Amendment Makes reference only to the necessity of a well regulated militia, I know of no such well regulated militia in the US. Furthermore, the Founding Fathers Cold not possibly have imagined anything like one of these weapons designed intentionally to kill many people at once.