Do we need a tracking device/monitor on every firearm sold? Would that help?

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I don’t think so, IF the government would enforce the laws in affect now, PLUS tighten up the laws on purchasing, background checks, psychological examinations prior to purchasing a firearm, stronger control on purchasing ammunition, national/worldwide computer database where firearms dealers have access to check people before they purchase ammunition or firearms to make sure it’s not being done from numerous locations. Stuff like that. Plus: Make the laws tougher for storing your weapons at home to Kai’s sure young people can’t get them.

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The cat is out of the bag on this one.

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No one needs to own one of these. No one should believe they are deprived of any right if they are prohibited. The 2nd Amendment Makes reference only to the necessity of a well regulated militia, I know of no such well regulated militia in the US. Furthermore, the Founding Fathers Cold not possibly have imagined anything like one of these weapons designed intentionally to kill many people at once.

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Plus, our founding fathers couldn’t have possibly thought of, or imagined, a weapon like this in the hands of citizens. The 2nd Amendment was scribed when the most powerful weapon was a single shot musket, not a semi-automatic, or fully automatic, firearm capable of spitting out 30 rounds in just a few seconds.

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Hi Daniel, just read your mass killings post; I took a similar tack yesterday in my blog thedailymemes.substack.com (subscribe to it pls.! it is and always will be free).

I have enough polling data to say that that majority of US voters agree with you that "something should be done." I have some specific ideas on what those somethings should be and it might be fun to work/write together about them.

Time alas has humbled me so I'm sure we'll never be able to wave a magic wand. And talking about reducing gun violence in America can easily trap us in rabbit holes aka ideological dead-ends.

Let's take me for example. In 2002 I won a Pulitzer Prize for a series that suggested (wrongly I think in retrospect) that the "mentally ill" are more likely than the norm to take up arms.

In any case, thanks for liking my comment in Heather's blog and here's hoping we keep in touch.

Cheers, Alex Raksin reachable here and at alexraksin@icloud.com.

p.s. Since Covid 90% of my work has been remote text, so if you'd like to talk by voice as in the olden days I'm at 818 850 8483. Although I don't answer calls (too many Presidents...uhm, spammers...calling me) I do read texts and listen to vm.

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Gotta make guns harder to get, that much is certain. The other thing that I think needs to happen is to put guns and cars into the same “category” statutorily. Want a gun? Get an operators license, insurance, and documented training. Pass a background check. Accept full legal responsibility for every round that exits your weapon.

Have the penalties for careless, reckless, negligent, intentional, and knowing discharge of a round that causes damage/injury match vehicle laws. Permitting unlawful operation, fail to maintain safe equipment. Codify the NRA range safety rules as a start.

Anyway, it’s just a thought.

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I absolutely like you thought train. I believe if you combine your thought with mine on the background checks at every level, along with the psychological exams, at the cost of the gun purchaser, this might, just light, put the guns in the hands of responsible people instead of these idiots.

By the way, there was another mass shooting today in California that happened as I was writing this article, or soon after I finished it. So, the total is now 38 mass shootings for this year, and 4 more deaths. I don’t know how many others were injured.

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