We have had one hell of a week, at least for the good folks. Can’t say so much for the Trumputin crowd. As it’s worked out this week for the House of Representatives, once again a real productive week. Again, nothing accomplished. And, we are less than a week away from a government shutdown.
Shall I go ahead and say this? Okay, I shall. Folks, we are headed toward a government shutdown like a freight train running late. Wide open on the throttle! This House of Representatives has absolutely no intention of passing anything and sending it to the Senate to be voted on so it can go to the President for signature. They have no intention of doing anything until after the 2024 elections. We now have a Speaker of the House who’s a staunch Trumputin supporter, and he’s being guided by Trumputin, being told exactly what to do. Plus, we have the one and only Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene who’s throwing useless motions on the floor to waste time. All this is the instructions of one person. Trumputin!
We did have a good day, Tuesday. The Ohio voters showed up in droves and schooled the state Republicans about the abortion business. Now, the state republicans are so pissed off that they are threatening to throw out the results of the election! Ignore it! Now, seriously, I’m no lawyer, or have that much experience with elections, or election laws. But, I think that the people of Ohio spoke in a rather resounding fashion. And, I really don’t think it will behave the republicans that are currently serving on the Ohio state legislature to ignore what the folks in their state have said.
We shall see what happens next. It’s going to get really interesting!
Now, Wednesday we had the Miami Republican Debate, hosted by NBC News. I’ll have to admit, I watched this debate. If not fur any other reason, because nothing else was on TV worth watching!
So, about the “debate”. There were actually good, relevant questions, and for the most part, on the behalf of two of the five people on stage, a good debate. My opinion, and my opinion only. Chris Christie and Nikki Haley were the winners of this debate. Ron DeSantis and Tim Scott tried, but no cigar! They are losers. Always have been, always will be. Vivek Ramasway is useless. All he’s doing is carrying on Trumputin’s wishes. He’s doing exactly as Frumpy, the 🍓💩🤡 tells him to do. I’m just wondering if Frumpy told him to murder someone if he’d do it? Doesn’t he realize he’s going to get thrown under the bus first chance Trumputin gets a chance to chunk him under the wheels?
Enough for this week, folks. It was Veterans Day holiday this week. I do want to say that my heart goes out to all Veterans. I thank you for all your service, no matter what branch of service you were in! If it wasn’t for folks like you, giving your time, energy, and in a hell of a lot of cases, body parts, for all of us to enjoy the freedoms we enjoy every day.
It’s a shame we have people like Trumputin that try to make a mockery of what you folks do, and endure. Especially since he did everything he could to stay out of the service.
The insanity of today’s Republican Party is clinical... schizoid or schizophrenic... and the intelligence of the GOP is subpar...