We will put in bullet proof doors, bullet proof windows, make security backpacks, put guards in schools, put concrete posts in front, everything but address the reason for the deaths…GUNS. Guns are not in society this way in ANY other developed country EXCEPT the US. Democrats are as guilty as RescumliCons for falling for the NRA propaganda about the 2nd Amendment, which is now reenforced by the CORRUPT SCOTUS.
No more catering to-the lunatic party. This will also be on our list of changes where Democrats MUST meet the challenge to disarm this country. Australia did it after one major mass murder. Scotland made changes after one mass murder. We have daily murders but can’t be bothered. We will crush the rescumliCons and delete their Fascist-style control. We will need to demand this from those we will elect.
SeekingReasoin, you have naioled it. WE, as a society, have allowed our government and SCOTUS to do nothing. Nothing except take big money from NRA, and other gun lobbyists to control the influx, manufacture of firearms to the general public.
It is time we remind our elected officials that this election year will be different than others. We demand serious gun legislation, serious banning of asasault type weapons, banning of ALL weapons of mass destruction. Do away with ALL concealed carry permits for the general public. And, if these steps along with serious changes to the ability to purchace a firearm and ammunition do not curb the problem, then it's time to do away with the public owning a firearm. They can figure out a different way to kill each other!
The parents of the assassinator should be held responsible in every one of these cases where their kid goes out and shoots up a school, church, sports event, music event (fill in the blank). And any laws that don't allow the parents of assassinated children to sue the gun seller and/or manufacturer need to be stricken from our books. This is way out of hand now, and it has to stop. NOW.
If I’m not mistaken, I believe there’s a law on the books that covers just that.
This 14 year old wasn’t ‘supervised’ as his father said he was. And, this being a minor child having access to firearms is against the law. I look for the father, if not both parents, to be charged as accessories to the crimes their son committed. If that’s what they do, then the parents will be charged with the 4 counts of murder, and 9 counts of attempted murder, plus whatever other charges they levy against the son. I’m sure there will be numerous counts of the use of a firearm in commission of a felony, along with more charges.
Technically, they can be charged with one count of attempted murder for each person in the building, over 1800 students with the staff.
Thank you, Daniel, that's very comprehensive! This obsession with fetuses coupled with a dereliction in the safety of school children, it's sad. Do you think punishing parents will be enough incentive to stop these senseless killings? The irony is the people against abortion probably are the very ones spawning these killers (who could feel throughout their lifetime that they were unwanted.)
Patty, I have no answers to your query. It I do have opinions. I just wrote a reply to Eugene Robinson’s ‘Opinion’ column in the Washington Post. Here’s my reply:
There’s a format here we need to use. It’s what we used when investigating a crime, before we took the case to the State Prosecutor.
What we did was the “Who, What, When, Where, How, and Why” test. Once we had solid answers to these questions we carried it to the prosecutor for them to take over.
Who, What, When, Where are all basically answered at this point, with some exceptions. They were answered at approximately 9:30-9:45 yesterday morning. The trouble is the last two. Why and How.
What this child did was unconscionable. Unthinkable, and completely unbelievable. But he did it.
I want to know more about the When.
When did he get his hands on this AR-15 styled rifle?
When did he get it inside the school?
How did he get it to school? He’s not old enough to drive. Surely he start walk to school toting an AR-15 styled rifle down the street.
Who assisted him in getting it to the school?
Where did he hide the rifle so he could get it when he left the classroom to start shooting? He apparently didn’t have it in that classroom.
Why did he decide to do this? Apparently, by reports few m the F. B. I. he and his father were questioned last year because of his Social Media posts about wanting to shoot up a school.
Now, discussing the gun laws, or lack thereof, in the state of Georgia. This is on Governor Kemp and the state legislators.
A message to Governor Kemp and the Georgia Legislators…..
The time for “thoughts and prayers” are over. Now is the time for serious action. Serious debate. Serious gun legislation. Now, Georgia has the opportunity to show the rest of this nation that we can crack down on this gun violence. We can pass serious gun laws that will prevent this type of violence. We can get our law enforcement the advanced training necessary for dealing with these situations, before they happen. We can make it where a child will not be able to legally put his hands on a firearm. If they do, and crimes are committed, the parents will be held accountable!!
It’s a very good column, and I just ‘expounded’ on it a bit. Needless to say, every time there’s a shooting it pisses me the hell off! There’s absolutely NO REASON for automatic weapons to be in the hands of any citizen. NO REASON for any semi-automatic weapons to be in the hands of citizens.
I’m sick and tired of these people throwing the 2nd Amendment in our faces every time. It’s high time we start thinking about the quality of life we are affording our children.
If our state government elected officials cannot, will not, make the necessary changes to these obsolete laws, it’s high time we replace them with people that will. We need people in office that will not take bribes from the NRA, or any of these other gun lobbyists groups.
Kamala seemed close to tears when responding to the shooting. After trump and jd schvantz skipped commenting, the response from their campaign seemed deliberately casual. Offhand even. Currying favor at the NRA trough, sure. I understand (while deploring the grift.) ‘Thoughts | prayers’ is a slap-in-the-face to the bereft families. Talk is cheap, who wrote trump campaign’s response—Hannibal Lector?
She seemed that way. Extremely sincere. And, she even said “I’m going off script here” and began an entirely different conversation on guns in children’s hands, and in schools.
I know that Trump couldn’t do that! If he goes off script, which is constantly, he babbles like an idiot, discussing sinking boats and sharks, being electrocuted, and other bullshit. Definitely not anything of any importance to solving any issues.
My good friend, David. You’re‘preaching to the choir’! After 27 years of law enforcement, I don’t even have a firearm of any type in my home. I sold all of them back in 1995, after I was forced to retire.
I remember those protest you talk about. That was the tear I graduated from high school, and I tried to enlist befure I was drafted. But due to spinal surgery I wasn’t qualified due the military service, any branch. So I opted for law enforcement and firefighting instead.
You are extremely correct about something else. I think the people in this country have gone to sleep, on some type of sedative, or just plain don’t give a damn about their children. We had an Assault weapon ban in place. Trump and Gus band of idiots did away with it. We have trued numerous times under Biden to get that ban back in place, and it continually failed, until the last time Biden, and a bipartisan group of congressmen/women put together a decent weapons package. Then Biden had to do a lot of negotiating with that group of Republican idiots to get that passed.
The biggest problem that I see, honestly, is us. The voters. We keep putting the same old legislatures in office in these states, the same old people in the Senate and House of Representatives, and we get nothing done. If WE don’t make changes in Congress, give the president a bunch of people that want to get things done, we will continue to lose our school children to gun violence. We will continue to lose our rights and freedoms. We will continue to go backwards instead of forward.
I have no idea where you live, but here in Georgia, now, I am required to register to vote before every election, unless I ‘opt out’, then I only register once a year. That’s dumb as hell!
With thus gun situation, as long as the NRA is allowed to control the Congress, there will never be and gun laws passed to stop this nonsense. Just today, we get a great response from V. P. Harris, and President Biden on this situation. The Republican representatives from that very district, their only response is “our thoughts and prayers go out to the victims and their families!”
I wish I could kick every damn one of their asses! That bunch of fools haven’t a heart among them. Every shooting incident, no matter the location, it’s always the same exact statement from the Republicans. It’s a broken record. A washing machine. Rinse and repeat. Next shooting, put the “thoughts and prayers” record back on the spindle.
It’s time we make the necessary changes in our state legislature and Congress. When we get Kamala Harris and Tim Walz in at the Oval Office, they are go in by to gave to have a majority, or better yet, a supermajority in both chambers of Congress. Then this damn Filibuster can be done away with, and we can get shit done!
You are far from ‘ranting’, Sandra. More of this is what we all need to do to start this ball rolling.
I would like to correct one thing for you, if I may. The issues you are having in Chicago are not the fault of the CPD. Not the officers at any rate. The fault lies with the upper brass, the city managers, and the state government.
During my career in law enforcement and firefighting our departments was forced to undergo some stringent changes. This was all due to funding being cut off. You see, the city police and fire department are the two city entities which actually do not make money for the city. They cost the city money. Therefore, when budget time rolls around, and cuts have to be made, those two departments are always the first to lose out. When I was a patrol officer in South Carolina for the city of Cayce, our patrol cars used to get traded in, or passed on to other departments, after they reached 35,000 miles. Then budget cuts came about. The units started getting upward of 65,000 to 70,000 miles and didn’t more time in the repair shop than on the road patrolling. The sane thing for the fire equipment. We were using fire pumpers that when they broke down, we had to actually build the part to fix them. You couldn’t get parts for them anymore. That changed when it came time for the annual state certification. The pumpers failed the state test. The fire chief went to the next city council meeting and almost got himself fired, but he made them understand that the city’s fire insurance rating was going up because of the failure. The city manager wasn’t smart enough to understand plain English until the chief had the insurance adjuster explain how much the policies for every home, and business, owner in the city would increase. When that happened, the people in the audience made it clear if their insurance increased as was explained, every one of the councilmen and mayor would be out of a job. We ordered tests new, fully equipped, pumpers the following day.
You may consider it a "rant" but I don't. You have stated the obvious which the majority of us fail to acknowledge.
I live in a neighborhood on the far north side of Chicago, 1 block from Lake Michigan and 1.5 city blocks south of the city limit with Evanston, IL. Shootings in our neighborhood have increased from 1-2 per year when we had a big police presence in our "hood" to 6-7 per year after former Mayor Lori Lightfoot relocated many police officers from my "hood" to the problem "hoods" on the west and south sides of the city several years ago. I hate the fear I am now experiencing and have often wondered why city residents have never attempted to gather many residents together and file a class action lawsuit against the city, CPD, the State of Illinois, Illinois State Police, whoever, etc. They are not doing much to protect us, even though city and state leaders would tell a different story. Additionally, I am fed up with the State's Attorneys office (equivalent to a DA) because they seem to kowtow to our criminal element, and also with the judiciary because they, too, seem to be lenient with criminals in the sentencing & parole processes. But, yet, for a good majority of us we do "cower in our homes" while hoping a bullet doesn't come through our front windows but doing nothing to change the environment! Regardless of whether it's a legal gun owner or a criminal gun owner, those with guns are "winning" across our nation.
Thank you, David, for your expressed sympathy! We surely do need it!
Federal laws absolutely would help so you are correct in "going there" because that is the natural place to expect gun reform as it would cover every state in our nation in one fell swoop. But since that hasn't seemed to be forthcoming, I place a lot of the blame on our local pols and weak laws, which includes the city, county, and state. However, as you say, a strong blue majority in both our U.S. House & Senate as well as a blue WH just may get us what we desperately need as far as Federal gun reform goes. This is another reason why we must encourage Dems to get out and vote and we must not think, based on polls, that the Harris/Walz ticket is a shoe-in...or is it "shoo-in?" ;-)
You may not know this but some time ago Chicago, when Daley #2 was mayor, did pass a law banning handguns within the city limits. However, with the help of the NRA, a female Chicago resident who legally owned a handgun for protection sued the City over the law and won her case in court...the law was struck down, and since then no other City attempts have been made to limit handgun possession; it was a "we tried but that's all we'll try" event, imo. Now, I think it's up to the residents to step up and somehow demand the protection locally; challenge the "powers that be" to come up with answers to stem the gun violence, rather than avoiding responsibility!
If you live in a safe community, please treasure that safety and work to keep it safe!
David: Bravo! Well-stated! I am in full agreement with you! At this point a drastic & comprehensive plan is needed to resolve this issue. It’s taken years to arrive at this dangerous point but we no longer have the pleasure of time to turn things around, imo. Your plan will achieve what is needed before too many more are slaughtered by weaponry that is not intended for “everyday people.”
We will put in bullet proof doors, bullet proof windows, make security backpacks, put guards in schools, put concrete posts in front, everything but address the reason for the deaths…GUNS. Guns are not in society this way in ANY other developed country EXCEPT the US. Democrats are as guilty as RescumliCons for falling for the NRA propaganda about the 2nd Amendment, which is now reenforced by the CORRUPT SCOTUS.
No more catering to-the lunatic party. This will also be on our list of changes where Democrats MUST meet the challenge to disarm this country. Australia did it after one major mass murder. Scotland made changes after one mass murder. We have daily murders but can’t be bothered. We will crush the rescumliCons and delete their Fascist-style control. We will need to demand this from those we will elect.
SeekingReasoin, you have naioled it. WE, as a society, have allowed our government and SCOTUS to do nothing. Nothing except take big money from NRA, and other gun lobbyists to control the influx, manufacture of firearms to the general public.
It is time we remind our elected officials that this election year will be different than others. We demand serious gun legislation, serious banning of asasault type weapons, banning of ALL weapons of mass destruction. Do away with ALL concealed carry permits for the general public. And, if these steps along with serious changes to the ability to purchace a firearm and ammunition do not curb the problem, then it's time to do away with the public owning a firearm. They can figure out a different way to kill each other!
I am all outta thoughts & prayers and fucks!
As am I. This senseless killing has to stop. If that means no guns, then so be it. NRA be damned!!!
The parents of the assassinator should be held responsible in every one of these cases where their kid goes out and shoots up a school, church, sports event, music event (fill in the blank). And any laws that don't allow the parents of assassinated children to sue the gun seller and/or manufacturer need to be stricken from our books. This is way out of hand now, and it has to stop. NOW.
If I’m not mistaken, I believe there’s a law on the books that covers just that.
This 14 year old wasn’t ‘supervised’ as his father said he was. And, this being a minor child having access to firearms is against the law. I look for the father, if not both parents, to be charged as accessories to the crimes their son committed. If that’s what they do, then the parents will be charged with the 4 counts of murder, and 9 counts of attempted murder, plus whatever other charges they levy against the son. I’m sure there will be numerous counts of the use of a firearm in commission of a felony, along with more charges.
Technically, they can be charged with one count of attempted murder for each person in the building, over 1800 students with the staff.
Thank you, Daniel, that's very comprehensive! This obsession with fetuses coupled with a dereliction in the safety of school children, it's sad. Do you think punishing parents will be enough incentive to stop these senseless killings? The irony is the people against abortion probably are the very ones spawning these killers (who could feel throughout their lifetime that they were unwanted.)
Patty, I have no answers to your query. It I do have opinions. I just wrote a reply to Eugene Robinson’s ‘Opinion’ column in the Washington Post. Here’s my reply:
There’s a format here we need to use. It’s what we used when investigating a crime, before we took the case to the State Prosecutor.
What we did was the “Who, What, When, Where, How, and Why” test. Once we had solid answers to these questions we carried it to the prosecutor for them to take over.
Who, What, When, Where are all basically answered at this point, with some exceptions. They were answered at approximately 9:30-9:45 yesterday morning. The trouble is the last two. Why and How.
What this child did was unconscionable. Unthinkable, and completely unbelievable. But he did it.
I want to know more about the When.
When did he get his hands on this AR-15 styled rifle?
When did he get it inside the school?
How did he get it to school? He’s not old enough to drive. Surely he start walk to school toting an AR-15 styled rifle down the street.
Who assisted him in getting it to the school?
Where did he hide the rifle so he could get it when he left the classroom to start shooting? He apparently didn’t have it in that classroom.
Why did he decide to do this? Apparently, by reports few m the F. B. I. he and his father were questioned last year because of his Social Media posts about wanting to shoot up a school.
Now, discussing the gun laws, or lack thereof, in the state of Georgia. This is on Governor Kemp and the state legislators.
A message to Governor Kemp and the Georgia Legislators…..
The time for “thoughts and prayers” are over. Now is the time for serious action. Serious debate. Serious gun legislation. Now, Georgia has the opportunity to show the rest of this nation that we can crack down on this gun violence. We can pass serious gun laws that will prevent this type of violence. We can get our law enforcement the advanced training necessary for dealing with these situations, before they happen. We can make it where a child will not be able to legally put his hands on a firearm. If they do, and crimes are committed, the parents will be held accountable!!
Here is the link to the column:
It’s a very good column, and I just ‘expounded’ on it a bit. Needless to say, every time there’s a shooting it pisses me the hell off! There’s absolutely NO REASON for automatic weapons to be in the hands of any citizen. NO REASON for any semi-automatic weapons to be in the hands of citizens.
I’m sick and tired of these people throwing the 2nd Amendment in our faces every time. It’s high time we start thinking about the quality of life we are affording our children.
If our state government elected officials cannot, will not, make the necessary changes to these obsolete laws, it’s high time we replace them with people that will. We need people in office that will not take bribes from the NRA, or any of these other gun lobbyists groups.
Changes have got to be made, NOW!!!
Kamala seemed close to tears when responding to the shooting. After trump and jd schvantz skipped commenting, the response from their campaign seemed deliberately casual. Offhand even. Currying favor at the NRA trough, sure. I understand (while deploring the grift.) ‘Thoughts | prayers’ is a slap-in-the-face to the bereft families. Talk is cheap, who wrote trump campaign’s response—Hannibal Lector?
She seemed that way. Extremely sincere. And, she even said “I’m going off script here” and began an entirely different conversation on guns in children’s hands, and in schools.
I know that Trump couldn’t do that! If he goes off script, which is constantly, he babbles like an idiot, discussing sinking boats and sharks, being electrocuted, and other bullshit. Definitely not anything of any importance to solving any issues.
Actu, 5 down. There was another shooting in the northeast where 1 student was killed.
My good friend, David. You’re‘preaching to the choir’! After 27 years of law enforcement, I don’t even have a firearm of any type in my home. I sold all of them back in 1995, after I was forced to retire.
I remember those protest you talk about. That was the tear I graduated from high school, and I tried to enlist befure I was drafted. But due to spinal surgery I wasn’t qualified due the military service, any branch. So I opted for law enforcement and firefighting instead.
You are extremely correct about something else. I think the people in this country have gone to sleep, on some type of sedative, or just plain don’t give a damn about their children. We had an Assault weapon ban in place. Trump and Gus band of idiots did away with it. We have trued numerous times under Biden to get that ban back in place, and it continually failed, until the last time Biden, and a bipartisan group of congressmen/women put together a decent weapons package. Then Biden had to do a lot of negotiating with that group of Republican idiots to get that passed.
The biggest problem that I see, honestly, is us. The voters. We keep putting the same old legislatures in office in these states, the same old people in the Senate and House of Representatives, and we get nothing done. If WE don’t make changes in Congress, give the president a bunch of people that want to get things done, we will continue to lose our school children to gun violence. We will continue to lose our rights and freedoms. We will continue to go backwards instead of forward.
I have no idea where you live, but here in Georgia, now, I am required to register to vote before every election, unless I ‘opt out’, then I only register once a year. That’s dumb as hell!
With thus gun situation, as long as the NRA is allowed to control the Congress, there will never be and gun laws passed to stop this nonsense. Just today, we get a great response from V. P. Harris, and President Biden on this situation. The Republican representatives from that very district, their only response is “our thoughts and prayers go out to the victims and their families!”
I wish I could kick every damn one of their asses! That bunch of fools haven’t a heart among them. Every shooting incident, no matter the location, it’s always the same exact statement from the Republicans. It’s a broken record. A washing machine. Rinse and repeat. Next shooting, put the “thoughts and prayers” record back on the spindle.
It’s time we make the necessary changes in our state legislature and Congress. When we get Kamala Harris and Tim Walz in at the Oval Office, they are go in by to gave to have a majority, or better yet, a supermajority in both chambers of Congress. Then this damn Filibuster can be done away with, and we can get shit done!
You are far from ‘ranting’, Sandra. More of this is what we all need to do to start this ball rolling.
I would like to correct one thing for you, if I may. The issues you are having in Chicago are not the fault of the CPD. Not the officers at any rate. The fault lies with the upper brass, the city managers, and the state government.
During my career in law enforcement and firefighting our departments was forced to undergo some stringent changes. This was all due to funding being cut off. You see, the city police and fire department are the two city entities which actually do not make money for the city. They cost the city money. Therefore, when budget time rolls around, and cuts have to be made, those two departments are always the first to lose out. When I was a patrol officer in South Carolina for the city of Cayce, our patrol cars used to get traded in, or passed on to other departments, after they reached 35,000 miles. Then budget cuts came about. The units started getting upward of 65,000 to 70,000 miles and didn’t more time in the repair shop than on the road patrolling. The sane thing for the fire equipment. We were using fire pumpers that when they broke down, we had to actually build the part to fix them. You couldn’t get parts for them anymore. That changed when it came time for the annual state certification. The pumpers failed the state test. The fire chief went to the next city council meeting and almost got himself fired, but he made them understand that the city’s fire insurance rating was going up because of the failure. The city manager wasn’t smart enough to understand plain English until the chief had the insurance adjuster explain how much the policies for every home, and business, owner in the city would increase. When that happened, the people in the audience made it clear if their insurance increased as was explained, every one of the councilmen and mayor would be out of a job. We ordered tests new, fully equipped, pumpers the following day.
Keep talking to people. I talk to people here every day. I have people come to my home here to sit and discuss this election with me.
You may consider it a "rant" but I don't. You have stated the obvious which the majority of us fail to acknowledge.
I live in a neighborhood on the far north side of Chicago, 1 block from Lake Michigan and 1.5 city blocks south of the city limit with Evanston, IL. Shootings in our neighborhood have increased from 1-2 per year when we had a big police presence in our "hood" to 6-7 per year after former Mayor Lori Lightfoot relocated many police officers from my "hood" to the problem "hoods" on the west and south sides of the city several years ago. I hate the fear I am now experiencing and have often wondered why city residents have never attempted to gather many residents together and file a class action lawsuit against the city, CPD, the State of Illinois, Illinois State Police, whoever, etc. They are not doing much to protect us, even though city and state leaders would tell a different story. Additionally, I am fed up with the State's Attorneys office (equivalent to a DA) because they seem to kowtow to our criminal element, and also with the judiciary because they, too, seem to be lenient with criminals in the sentencing & parole processes. But, yet, for a good majority of us we do "cower in our homes" while hoping a bullet doesn't come through our front windows but doing nothing to change the environment! Regardless of whether it's a legal gun owner or a criminal gun owner, those with guns are "winning" across our nation.
And I apologize for my ranting!
Thank you, David, for your expressed sympathy! We surely do need it!
Federal laws absolutely would help so you are correct in "going there" because that is the natural place to expect gun reform as it would cover every state in our nation in one fell swoop. But since that hasn't seemed to be forthcoming, I place a lot of the blame on our local pols and weak laws, which includes the city, county, and state. However, as you say, a strong blue majority in both our U.S. House & Senate as well as a blue WH just may get us what we desperately need as far as Federal gun reform goes. This is another reason why we must encourage Dems to get out and vote and we must not think, based on polls, that the Harris/Walz ticket is a shoe-in...or is it "shoo-in?" ;-)
You may not know this but some time ago Chicago, when Daley #2 was mayor, did pass a law banning handguns within the city limits. However, with the help of the NRA, a female Chicago resident who legally owned a handgun for protection sued the City over the law and won her case in court...the law was struck down, and since then no other City attempts have been made to limit handgun possession; it was a "we tried but that's all we'll try" event, imo. Now, I think it's up to the residents to step up and somehow demand the protection locally; challenge the "powers that be" to come up with answers to stem the gun violence, rather than avoiding responsibility!
If you live in a safe community, please treasure that safety and work to keep it safe!
David: Bravo! Well-stated! I am in full agreement with you! At this point a drastic & comprehensive plan is needed to resolve this issue. It’s taken years to arrive at this dangerous point but we no longer have the pleasure of time to turn things around, imo. Your plan will achieve what is needed before too many more are slaughtered by weaponry that is not intended for “everyday people.”