As a descendent of an Ellis Island refugee, with you here. With you as a witness to the hard, earnest and even humbling labor of these people who I welcome as neighbors and friends.

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I, too, an a descendent of an Ellis Island immigrant. Honestly, I believe if everyone did their ancestry, they might find that they too had ancestors who came to this country through Ellis Island. When I traced my ancestry, it was quite the adventure. My dad’s ancestry came through Ellis Island while my mother’s ancestry was here in this country as far back as can be traced. The Oklahoma Indians, with her father’s ancestry from France.

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Perfecting us as the years link us together. All these people are us, may that never change. Such energy in our ancestry.

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I'm with you, Daniel, and I thought we'd do better with a Democratic administration, but I wonder if we weren't just left with too much to do after the last one. Living in NYC, the home of the Statue of Liberty, we were already stretched by homelessness of people living here, and now those people feel crowded out by new homeless people. Too much of the world's population is unhoused, and shutting the borders isn't going to change that. Some parts of the country are desperate for workers, and I hope they come forward to help address this issue.

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Your situation is a dire situation for sure. With the homelessness problems NYC is, and has had to endure/cope with for decades, when Florida and Texas decided to send all the immigrants there instead of dealing with the situation in a responsible, respectful, decent, manner. The two governors and their state legislators had to be pricks and dump the problem off in an already crowded city/state. They could have easily allocated their state emergency funds to build, buy, rent, housing for these people. Get them the training, education, they needed to obtain jobs, so they could support their families on their own. Been profitable for the state in the long run, and, politically, not suicide to their political careers!

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I agree.

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Aloha🌺progwoman, it’s true it’ll take more than one dem administration to fix the horror that 🍊RACIST villain perpetrated upon American citizens. And struggling to implement helps to fix America w/out Maga republicans blocking the dem admin trying so hard to get us out of this. The answer is overwhelming dem votes to get us trifecta 2024. Mahalo so much.

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Aloha🌺Daniel, I am SO THOROUGHLY with you on this topic.

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Me, too!

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Even though I am a Democrat I cannot agree. Housing is getting more & more expensive. Jobs don’t pay a living wage. As a bumper sticker I once saw (regarding kittens & puppies) “There aren’t enough homes for them all.” We can spay our pets, we can’t spay people without their permission (thankfully!) The world is already overcrowded. Americans are already fighting each other for scraps. Before we had government social welfare programs immigrants lived in dangerous slum conditions. Employers took advantage of desperate workers. Is that what you want to see America return to?

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HulitC, yes, everything is staying more expensive. But, as I had to Hearn years ago, what we are suffering right now from is what the previous administration has put on us. This is what the Republicans don’t want everyone to know. All the crap that the previous administration did is not befalling upon our pocketbooks. We are suffering while the crop 1%ers are sitting pretty in top of their little mountains. This is what President Biden is trying to turn around, but with the current situation in the House of Representatives, it’s been impossible for anything to get accomplished.

Plus, just like all the things that President Biden accomplished the first two years of his term, the effects of all of it aren’t fully being felt across the entire nation. The Infrastructure Act, and all the other things are just a drop in the bucket to what he’s done, and has been trying to get done. We must have him, and Vice President Harris another 4 years!

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Daniel. What i am surmising here, just as tRumps awful policies are being felt now upon Americans and likely Biden Gets the blame for what trump did, the good policies that Biden placed won’t be felt til next president is elected and that next prez will claim it as if he did it. Even if it is not Biden. That’s how politics work.

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Yes. Except that a lot of the things that Biden had initiated has been done to reverse the bull 💩that Trump did. Although Biden can’t reverse the cost of the food at the stores, and that kind of thing. But the Bidenomics, the Infrastructure Act, and all that is in effect now. That’s jobs, that’s energy changes, and improvements to our desperately neglected infrastructure around this country. The food cost, cost of meat, that’s basically from when Trump stopped all the trade with the rest of the world, and tore up all our trade negotiations we had with everyone. No ships were being allowed into our ports to be used loaded, and, none of the ships carrying the produce, animals, meat, other goods we trade on a daily basis to other countries, were allowed to port around the world to offload. All that food rotted, and had to be dumped into the oceans. The animals starved to death. As they died, they, too, were dumped into the oceans. So, a lot of our farmers lost their asses. Lost their farms, lost everything. It’s unreal what Trump caused to the farming and agriculture of this country. And he didn’t care.

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I agree that we MUST have Biden/Harris for another term but I believe *rump won in 2016 mostly on immigration . Dems are complicit in allowing companies to offshore jobs, allowing attacks on unions, high immigration, & unfettered CEO/Wall Street shenanigans. Repubs biggest talking point is “Dems are for open borders”

I am not saying we stop all immigration, but we need a saner more limited policy.

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I agree. This is why I’m suggesting instead if pissing this billions away on this wall, which is as useless as tits on a boar hog, put into these facilities to properly process these immigrants, and properly becsnkevyk screen them . It makes mire sense than a damned wall!

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I do agree that a wall is not the answer.

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No, it’s a total waste!

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HulitC, you are projecting onto dems much of which republicans do. That is a maga strategy. It is greedy republicans that sends jobs overseas bc cheaper labor for them and sometimes even children are being used in those jobs. Biden is trying mightily to bring manufacturing back home. But he has to deal w/republican obstruction. The situation w/slim margin in the house is from maga republicans cheating w/gerrymandering whilst dems were honest w/non partisan redistricting. They won by cheating and now hold the whole country hostage. Dems support unions. And try to correct Wall street shenanigans. Empathy is trademark dem trait and important in decision making. My “rambling” was true history that you seem to ignore and not interested in. Biden is absolutely an highly accomplished and skilled Commander In Chief. It’ll take awhile to fix immigration system after total destruction by 🍊maniac. I am very pleased that you decide that dems need all the votes we can get. But there has to be a true understanding of what a democratic president stands for. Wrong beliefs influences a loss for democratic votes. You come on very strong w/supporting your own MISunderstanding. That will not yield dem votes w/what are false allegations. Mahalo so much.

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I am happy to see that you are a passionate supporter. There is no perfect Democratic position/belief. Democrats stand for many things and no issue is completely “black or white”. In the past Dems have NOT always stood up to the principles espoused today and even today not all Dems in Congress agree on all of the issues. We have to muddle through. I think we agree more than we disagree. I particularly agree with your view of Republicans! Mahalo so much.

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I have very strong principles about the Democratic and Republican parties. Nothing is good about the Republicans, especially now. Or should I say the Trumputin Party! Mahalo!

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Aloha🌺You don’t hold democratic beliefs. I know absolutely not ONE true democrat w/your beliefs. Sorry sister, true dems have empathy, it seems you do not. Would you even consider all these problems you cite were caused by republican policies and the obstruction to democrat policies intended helps for all Americans? Most democrats hold this truth except for DINO’s. Also Mexicans, that many hold Native American DNA because they were here, too. A “saner more limited policy” would be to kick all the insane machination’s behavior of maga republicans out, also which many are actually un prosecuted criminals. True immigrants are the europeans who invaded and slaughtered American Indians and Mexicans, too. Mexican/American Indian blends called Mestizo that survived heinous attacks were kicked out of their own homes and their land stolen. Just as republicans did to Hawaiians. Same in Australia, same in puertorico & others. These invaders have a habit of kicking the indigent out and claimed their land which is STOLEN. I posit that you are the immigrant here. Please search history, you might just change your mind. Mahalo so much.

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There’s no “purity test” for deciding who is a “true” Dem. Is Biden not a true Dem in your opinion?? The rest of your screed was too rambling to understand your point other than you’re upset with my empathy level.

I am personally against the wall but this country does need a saner immigration policy. Dems need ALL the votes they can get.

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HulitC, to answer your question, yes, in my opinion, President Biden, and Bice President Harris are “true Democrats” that we desperately need to remain in office another term. They have to be able to finish what they started three years ago, especially since this last 10 months has been a total waste of time, not getting anything accomplished in the House of Representatives.

Also, what of my “screed” didn’t you understand? I’ll try to further explain, if I can.

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I was referring to Joanne’s screed, not yours.

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Where are these people going to go?

This issue will be a GIFT to Repubs


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HulitC, you did notice the date in this article? September 23, 3023. It’s over a month old. L

Yes, we do, have had, and will continue to have, an influx of migrants coming into this country. Unfortunately, it’s something that’s been happening for decades and decades. The only reason that it’s so “prevalent” now is because the Republicans are publicizing it so much. All this talk of the drugs coming into the country across the southern border, all the ‘criminals’, ‘drug cartels’, ‘terrorist’, which is actually my favorite!

In reality, we have no such thing coming into this country across the southern border. Most of the drugs are coming into this country through our western, and northern borders, of which neither are being talked about because that’s where the money is! Fentanyl, coming in heavily through Canada. Cocaine, coming in heavily through the northwest and western border from China, as well as the marijuana, although that has slowed a lot due to most of it is now grown here “medically”. And most states are taking steps to legalize it.

I will not deny that drugs do come in through the southern border, but nothing compared to the other borders in this country. The true issue is that so much attention is, and has been, diverted to the southern border that the criminal element is taking advantage of it by using other methods to move their products. It’s a trick as old as time!

If the Republicans would just allow the Border Patrol, along with the other federal law enforcement agencies, to do their jobs, and coordinate between themselves , this could all be regulated properly, as it was before they started making such an issue of immigration, drugs, and everything else.

My thoughts on all of this is just the opposite. Just exactly what is it that these Republican governors, senators, and all, are trying to hide, or keep us from finding out they are doing? They are up to something, and that’s what got me worried.

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The whole point of the article is that more, lots more are still planning to come despite the risks. Despite wanting to help every individual in the world live a happy life, there is not enough money or land or jobs in the US for all of them and Repubs are more than vocal about making this THE election issue. Sometimes Dems need to work for the constituents already here. (PS: Europe has a similar problem. )

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Yes. I understand that. And this is what’s been going on forever. If you haven’t noticed with the actions of our current situation in the House of Representatives, the work for the people has come to a complete halt. Nothing is getting done as it was the first two years of the Biden presidency. As long as t try here Trumputin bunch of Republicans are running things in Congress, nothing will be getting done for the people in the United States. They want to have things for the rich, top 1% wealthy, and to hell with the rest of us.

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